Like Fire Flies Together

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 Bekie's Point Of View

From the second floor you seem so far away

I woke up to my phone buzzing next to my pillow, the caller ID said ‘Jazzy’

“Hello?” I asked into the phone

“Today’s the day Bek! Are you excited?”

“Sure am Jazz, when are you comming over?”

“I’m leaving in 5 and then we’ll head to Paris’s cause its closer to the venue”

Okay, see you soon” I said before hanging up.

Today was the day of our third short stack concert, and we were all SO excited. I pulled on some jeans and a plane white top and put my hair up, I planned on getting ready for real at Paris’s house closer to the concert time. As I threw the last couple of things I needed into my bag, I heard a knock at the door.

“It’s open” I yelled, knowing it would be Jasmine.

She walked in wearing her pink skinny jeans and a Sway Sway Bradie shirt with her spongbob bag on her back.

“You ready?” She smiled

“Sure am, lets go.”

We walked out the door and I locked it behind me. On the way to Paris’s house, we passed a little hotel. I looked up at the old building.

“This place looks pretty good since the new owners took over” I said to pass the time.

“Yeah and look” Jasmine said as she pointed at a balcony on the second floor, “Must be a fan cause thes a Fuck Shit Up shirt hanging out to dry” she laughed. The next thing we knew, Bradie Webb stepped out onto the balcony and grabbed the shirt. Without thinking twice, Jasmine and I both screamed at the same time “BRADIE!!”. He turned and looked away quickly, trying not to gain attention I guess. Andy poked his head out the door causing us to scream again, as he pulled Bradie inside the room and shut the blinds. We stood there for a few minutes longer screaming their names, getting many strange looks from passing resedents.

“We should go get Paris!” I said as I turned to Jasmine.

“Yeah quick lets run” she said, and we were off. Within a few minutes we were at Paris’s house. We ran straight inside, flung our bags on the lounge, grabbed her arm and started running, but she stopped us.

“What, whats wrong?” she looked at us questionly.

“Short Stack…Run!!” I said breathless. We ran those few blocks back to the little hotel and stood there yelling their names over and over again until the manager came out and told us to move away. We deemed it time to go back to Paris’s to get ready since we’d be going in a few hours.

“Oh my gosh that was so lucky hey Bek!” Jasmine said, filled with excitment.

“I know right, like what are the chances!!” I yelled back before laughing.

when we got to Paris’s we got ready to go so we could get there early to get up the front. Being my divaish self, I ran to the bathroom with the best mirror and locked the door behind me so the others couldn’t come in. I did my make up and straightened my hair. when I finally emerged from the bathroom in my black skinny jeans and my ‘I <3 aNdY’ shirt, I went to Paris’s room to see if her and Jasmine were ready. Paris was just adding the finishing touches to her make up while Jasmine was filling the air with hairspray, typical. When we were finally ready with our short stack shirts and teased hair, I threw on some red converse to match the red heart on my shirt and we all made our way outside to the car. Soon Paris’s sister dropped us off outside the venue where we were seeing short stack. We all jumped out of the car eagerly and ran over to the queue. There were a few fans who had been the hours before us, ‘crazy people’ I thought to myself. Now all there was left to do was wait. As we were standing there in the line, more people began to show up and join the line. It was huge, within an hour it began to reach past the corner! Finally the doors flung open and everyone started screaming and cheering. We ran up and handed our tickets to the jumper before running through the venue and lined up along the barricades to wait for the show to start.

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