Chapter Two

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Jazzy's Point Of View

We'll murder this dancefloor, because we're all done fore

We jumped all over the place, not caring who’s feet we were hitting as the second support band rocked out. When they finally finished and began to pack up their set, Bek, Paris and I got all excited jumping around eager for Short Stack. I noticed we weren’t the only ones doing it so we didn’t look like complete idiots; luckily. Within no time at all the boys began to make their way on stage as the intro music played. Now it began to get crazy! I think the barricades may have left brusies on us by the end of the night from all the pushing being done by the screaming fans behind us. We moshed our hearts out and screamed the lyrics to almost every song. The whole time the boys were on stage seemed to pass by so quickly and before we knew it, it was over. The thumping headaches and half deafness caused from being right up the front was completely worth it! Shaun and Andy began tipping water from their drink bottles and throwing them to the cheering fans while Bradie threw his drum sticks. Andy looked down to the front of the crowd before he threw his bottle straight into Bek’s hands. She jumped up and down with excitment screaming a piercing scream. Shaun threw his guitar pick into the crowd and it came straight into my direction. As I went  to catch it, a girl tried to punch me, but she completely failed and I pushed her to the ground to aviod another swing  before getting it. When the boys had finished throwing things and Bek calmed down a little, we slowly made our way out of the venue. We all ran out to the car Paris’s sister was waiting in, still overly excited. Paris seemed a little disappointed since she was the only one that didn’t catch something. I felt really sorry for her, I knew if it was me that caught nothing when the others did I’d be pretty down too. I looked down at the pick, before handing it to her.

“Here you go Paris” I smiled.

“Oh my gosh are you serious?! No I cant, you caught it, it’s yours.”

“Oh come on I know you want it, besides, how could I keep it when I know Shaun’s your favourite?”

She smiled a HUGE smile and slowly took it from my hand. If her smile had grown any bigger, it would of fell of her face!

As we pulled up in Paris’s drive way, we jumped out of the car and ran inside.

“I don’t know about you two, but I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep any time soon, and I’m eager to do something!” I said jumping around the room.

“Couldn’t agree more!” Bek smiled

“Lets go out! Like a night club?” Paris added

“Dude we’re too young”

“As if that matters, you always get mistaken to be an adult Jazz,and Bek could pass as over 18 eaily.”

“Yeah but we need to work on your height” Bek joked.

It was settled, we were going clubbing! I ran to my bag and grabbed out a dress I had packed incase we were doing anything the next day. It was hot pink at the top and from the waist down, it was black with lots of poofed out layers and reached just above my knees. I threw it on with a pair of black stilletos, fingerless black gloves and a few necklaces. While Bek and Paris looked around for what to wear, I went and fixed my hair so instead of being teased, it was curled. I couldn’t breathe from the amount of hair spray I was using!

After I fixed up my makeup and added a black bow to my hair, I entered Paris’s room to see Bek and her all dressed up and fixing their hair. They looked amazing! Paris was wearing a blue strapless slim fit dress which reached half way down her thighs. The dress was covered in rhinestones bedazzling countless shapes all over it. She added a short leather jacket and some heels and she was ready.

Bek kept her hair teased; it looked good that way. She was wearing ripped skinny jeans with a sort of baggy purple shirt that only covered one shoulder and tightened at the bottem. She wore a waist belt to help the look of her fabulous figure and added some jewlery and heels. It was simple, yet very effective.

We all fixed each other up and soon left the house with Paris’s sister in search of a club. I don’t know how Paris convinced her sister to go along with it, but whatever she did she was a freaking genius!

When we finally found one, we were let in without even being asked for ID, talk about lucky! Once we were in, Paris’s sister told us not to get too drunk or she’d take us home early. To that we rushed over to the bar and ordered some drinks, but Iplanned on staying sober so I just got coke. While I stood at a table with my drink, Bek went to the bathrooms to check herself in the mirror and Paris left to answer her phone, while her sister went out on the dance floor with a friend she ran into, leaving me by myself. I noticed in the corner of my eye, a guy looking at me. I didn’t want to look at him because he’d probably try to talk to me. Without even looking at him, he made his way over toward me.

“Hi” he smiled.

“Hello” I said turning toward him. I couldn’t believe my eyes. There, in front of me, in a night club, was Bradie Webb!

“What are you doing here all alone?”

“Well I’m just waiting for my friends to get back from whatever they’re doing.” I tried so hard not to smile, but I just couldn’t help it.

“Oh okay, you guys should come join my step brother and I over there, I can’t stand being alone with him” he laughed. I laughed too, knowing he was talking about Andy.

“Yeah definitely, I’ll just text my friends to come back” I lied. I was texting them to come back, but that wasn’t the whole story.

‘Heey guys you need to get back here RIGHT NOW! Bradie is talking to me and he wants us to go join him with Andy where they are! I haven’t mentioned being a fan so don’t go all fan girl on him :D x’

Within less then a minute they both rushed back to the table I was standing at in disbelief.

“Hi there” Bradie said as they stood next to me.

“Hello” they said with big smiles, shaking his hand.

“I’m Bradie by the way”

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