Chapter Five

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Jazzy's Point Of View

Write a history for teens with dreamers truth

We’d just had lunch at a small place with the boys and they were taking us back to Paris’s house.

“Hey what are you guys up to later?” Shaun asked from the driver’s seat looking in the mirror.

“Uhm nothing I guess.” I answered.

“Well we’re having a party at my place, you want to tag along?”

“Yes!” Paris said without thinking twice.

“Alright great, we’ll come back and pick you all up around..5?” He asked pulling up in the drive way.

“Yeah 5 sounds good” I answered.

WE thanked the boys for lunch and rushed inside. The time was 2 and we were all little divas when it came to parties so we wasted no time getting ready. Paris and I had to race Bek to the bathroom and she of course beat us, as always. While she fixed herself up I went back to Paris’s room and looked through my bag, I had no idea what to wear! Eventually I settled with a blue and black dress that had thick shoulder straps and a black and silver waist belt. To go with it I put on some black stocking and heels. I curled my hair and did my makeup, a silver black smokey eye effect, then threw on some thick silver necklaces and braclets.

After I was finished getting ready, I got bored waiting for Bek and Paris and I decided to text me friend Liz.

‘Heey bub whats happening? (: x’

It’s not even funny how quickly she replied.

‘Hey Jazz, nothing really, stuck at home alone all night :( What are you up to?’

‘Home alone?’ I thought to myself. Then I got an idea.

Nawh serious? Well put something nice on and get your butt over to Paris’s house, you’re coming to a party with us! (:’

‘I’ll be there in 10!!’

Bek soon emerged from the bathroom in ballet flats for a change (she always wore heels when we went out), a waist high short blac skirt with a sliver shirt tucked in underneath it and a leather jacket. Her hair teased and makeup perfect, stunning as always.

A few minutes later Paris walked in the room wearing black heeled ankle books with a hot pink slim fit dress and a long sleeved black jacket that only reached to the top of her waist. she looked fabulous. While Paris ran her hair through the straightener I gave Bek my purple hair bow to wear. It went really well with her hair and she always loved that bow.

“Hey I hope you don’t mind but I invited a friend.” I said

“Why would we mind?” Bek smiled. I saw Liz’s car pulled up in the drive way and I rushed out the front and greeted her with a hug.

Once we were all ready, we aited for about half and hour before we heard a knock on the door.

“Hi” Andy smiled as I opened the door.You guys ready?”

“Yep!” Bek said rushing out the door, Paris almost falling over behind her.

“Wow you guys look great” Andy said, mostly looking at Bek.

“Gee thanks Clemmensen, you’re not too shabby yourself.” I told him as I walked out closing the door behind me.

We walked down the drive way to see Bradie and Shaun Jennings (Jumpnow) standing at the van. When Jumpnow saw Liz, his face seemed to light up, he even cracked a smile!

“Whoa Shaun don’t hurt yourself!” I laughed.

“Whats that suppose to mean..?” He looked confused. Bek and I looked at each other before we both said

“Shaun the angry, EMO!”

“Oh shut it you two” he said playfully hitting our arms. After we introduced ourselves to Jumpnow we all climbed into the van. Bek sat in between Paris and Andy, while Liz and I sat up the back with Bradie between us, leaving Jumpnow alone in the front.

We pulled up at Shaun’s house and quickly got out making our way to the front door. As we got close, Shaun ran out of the house and picked up the first person her could see, who happened to be Paris. He thre her over his shoulder and started walking back to the house.

“Shaun put me down! You’ll mess my hair!!” She yelled hitting his back trying to break free, but it was no us, he had a strong grip of her.

“Gee Paris you sound more like a diva then me” Bek laughed.

“Gosh thats so true” she laughed.

To copy Shaun, Andy ran to Bek and picked her up, but he didn’t put her over his shoulder, he just held her in his arms. Bradie looked at me as though he was about to do the same thing, but before he could I ran away with him chasing me, Jumpnow and Lizlaughing in the background. He quickly caught up with me and picked me up into his arms.

“Fuck you must be strong to be able to pick me up!”

“What do you mean”

“Well look at me” I will admit I’m not the skinny type.

“You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, besides, your not that heavy” he smiled.

“Sure sure..” I laughed.

He finally put me down when we reached the others out on the balcony, Paris still stuck on Shauns shoulder, stuggling to break free. Andy put Bek down to her feet just as we joined them.

We were introduced to all of Shaun’s friends and family and whoever else was there getting wasted and dancing around to the beat of the music.

“Care to join the most skilled dancer you’ll ever come across?” Andy asked Bek.

“Ha! It should be the other way around” she smiled taking his hand and pulling him to the middle of the room where everyone else was dancing. I wasn’t much of a dancer so while everyone went wild I went and sat on the lounge drinking a red cruiser. For some reason I didn’t feel like having a sober night. After a little while Jumpnow came and sat next to me, obviously realizing I wasn’t exactly doing anythingbut sitting there.

“Why aren’t you dancing with everyone else?” he asked me.

“I’m not that much of a dancer”

“Oh, so you just plan on sitting here all night?”

“Well I don’t exactly know anyone that isn’t dancing around so..yeah”

“Well your exciting!” we both started laughing.

“So what do you think of Liz?” I smiled

“She pretty cute” he said as his cheek began to turn red.

“Nawh Jumpnow’s got a crush!”

“Shut up!” he laughed. “How old are you lot anyway?”

“Well they’re all 17 and I’m 16”

“Oh under age drinking happening” he laughed

At that point Paris, Bek and Liz were taking a breather from dancing and getting drinks and they decided to join us. When most of Shaun’s friends started to leave, we all just stood around talking and dancing to the music. Yes, I had so much to drink I decided to dance with them; if you call standing there moving to the music and occasionally jumping around with the girls dancing.

The more drinks I consumed, the more the rest of the night became a blur.

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