Chapter Eight

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Hips like a dirty little rock ’n’ roller can you hola

As Bek drove us back to the central coast, all I could think about was why they never told me they knew stack.

“Okay there’s a bit of a drive ahead of us, so start telling me this story” I demanded.

Jasmine told me about going to the night club after the concert and meeting Bradie there, and how the boys invited them to lunch and a party the next day, which is where Liz met them.

“So you only met them a few days ago?” I asked.

“Yeah that’s why you didn’t know, it didn’t exactly cross our minds to start telling people.” Bek said with an apologetic look.

“Oh, I understand” I smiled. The rest of the way home we listen to Short Stack like we did on our way there, screaming the words to cars whenever we were sitting on a red light in traffic. Within just under an hour we finally got back to Jasmine’s house. We all went inside and jumped in front of her laptop to see the photos from today. The security guard even took a picture of us taking our masks off and all the boy’s reactions, it was hilarious. Shaun was at the end with his mouth a-jarred yet half a smile showing, Andy in the middle of us all with his eyes widened looking at Bek and Bradie just laughing in shock. All in all it was a pretty interesting picture. Jasmine printed off a copy of all the pictures taken for all of us before running up stairs to her room and putting her set of photos on her wall. Bek, Liz and Paris had to head home but I decided to stay over at Jasmines a bit longer. We talked a little more about the days they’d spent with Short Stack and how surreal it was.

Eventually we got bored and decided to check Twitter.

@bradiewebb: Whoa that was one surprising m&g! :D

Jasmine and I laughed as we saw his tweet and twitpiced the picture of their reactions in the hopes he’d check it out.

@KiwiWebbStack_: This is why @bradiewebb had a surprising m&g! :P

To that we called it a night and went to bed, remembering we had school in the morning. The next morning I opened eyes to an annoying beeping noise coming from Jasmine’s iPod to wake her. It was 5:30 in the morning!

“Are you insane woman!” I said as I rolled over in my bed.

“I like to spend time talking to early birds and people in other countries.” she laughed as she got out of her bed. There was no way I was getting ready for school that early! I couldn’t get back to sleep so I just laid there for half an hour or so while Jasmine walked all around the house getting her stuff together. Doesn’t matter what time of the morning it is..she’ll make a lot of noise! I groaned and got out of bed, hauling myself to the shower. I got out and put my iPod into Jasmine’s speakers that were sitting next to the sink. As I blow dried my hair I danced around to Shimmy A Go Go, singing the words nice and loud since it was only Jasmine and I in the house, so I didn’t need to worry about waking anyone.

After I put my uniform on and did my make up, I went downstairs to see Jasmine on the lounge talking to people on Twitter on her iPod touch, typical.

I went over and stole a piece of her toast on the table as I joined her, she didn’t seem to mind. Just as I was finishing my toast, we heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Paris, Bek and Liz.

“I’m guessing we’re car pooling?” I laughed as I hugged them all hello.

“Yeah, who’s car are we taking?” Bek smiled.

“We can take mine if you want.” Jasmine joined in.

We all agreed and I ran upstairs to get my bag. When I came back everyone was already outside and in the car. I locked the door behind me and joined them all as we made our way to school.

I walked through the school gates to see our friends Sammy; her beautiful brown hair blowing with the wind as she stood tall with the others, Teaka; Almost as tall as Sammy with long blond hair running down her back, complimented by her big hazel eyes, Maddie; the shortest of the group and Xavier, who as Jasmine described looks like Xavier Samual, the actor, waiting for us.

The four of them along with another friend of there’s where in one of the school’s best bands called Forever Yours; though hardly anyone in the school besides kids in their music class knew about them.

“Hey Kiwi, we want to ask you something!” Maddie rushed over to me.

“It’s nice to see you too!” Liz said walking to us with everyone else behind her. She laughed and gave everyone a hug and said hello before coming back over to me, her blond hair with brown tips blowing behind her ears with the wind.

“Okay so you remember Jake, our lead guitarist and back up vocals?” She asked me.

“Uhm…..Oh yeah! I remember him.”

“Good, see he’s moving away to Sydney and leaving the band and we were wondering if you’d like to take his place?” she smiled.

“Really? Oh god yes!!” I exclaimed.

“Awesome! We’re having practise in the music rooms at lunch, okay?”

“I’ll be there” I said as the bell rang. Funnily enough my first class of the day was music with Maddie, Xavier and Teaka; Sammy and Liz had a different music class to us while Bek, Paris and Jasmine had drama.

We had to do a small amount of theory and then the rest of the class we all just got to practise our instruments; Teaka strumming her bass, Xavier bashing the drum set, Maddie warming up her voice. Our teacher always asked students to perform something in front of the class, even though most of the kids weren’t paying attention because they were all preoccupied. So I decided to go up and do a cover. I tuned my guitar and began to play the notes to All Time Low’s song Weightless. As I began to sing the lyrics, Maddie came up to the other microphone and joined in, Teaka playing her bass guitar with me.

“But I’m stuck in this fucking rut

Waiting on a second hand pick me up

And I’m over, getting older.”

The teacher didn’t looked to pleased with the swearing but we were getting the classes attention, so she ignored it and let us continue.

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