Chapte 15

44 1 0

Jazzy's Point Of View

we can live forever one line at a time

During the movie I glanced at everyone and noticed Maddie and Xavier getting quite close. I laughed quietly and looked back at the giant screen, just then the crazed killer of the movie came out of nowhere, followed by loud music that made me jump and hid my face into Bradie’s shoulder without even realizing. He just laughed at me while I used his arm as a cover for my face. Soon the movie was over and we were making our way back to the cars. This time I drove my car with Paris in the front, Xavier, Maddie, Teaka and bek in the back Bradie, Sammy, Andy, Shaun, Liz and Jumpnow all piled up in the other car. We drove back to my house and decided to throw a party. Jumpnow and Andy left to get some drinks while Bek and Paris sorted out a playlist for the night. Within no time we had music blasting through the house and drinks around for everyone. Everyone had invited a few more friends over so the house was pretty full, but it wasn’t like an out of control party. My neighbour wasn’t too fond of the music but when I invited her son to come over she decided to ignore it. He seemed like a pretty nice kid. His name was David and he’d just turn 16 a few weeks ago, he was tall with brown hair and rich green eyes, not to metion a sweet shining smile. He became a little shy when he was around everyone since he knew none of us but that soon changed. He seemed to be most comfortable when he was around Kiwi, they had a lot in common. Although David had told his mum he wouldn’t drink, he ended up getting pretty wasted with Kiwi. Luckily since she was only next door she didn’t come to check on us. We all danced around having fun, consuming more and more drinks. Paris was even smiling and having a good time, so we were all relieved. She hadn’t smiled all day, I mean how could she. As I danced with Maddie and Teaka I glanced over to a corner of the house and saw Jumpnow talking with Liz. It looked pretty cute, then all of the sudden he was leaning down and kissing her! I tapped Maddie and Teaka and pointed to them and at the same time they both screamed

“I KNEW THEY LIKED EACH OTHER!” I laughed and yelled out “Good work Liz!” to which she giggled and went back to kissing him.

Paris and Bek chose then a good time to come join us in dancing. I ran over to Shaun and Andy grabbing their hands and pulling them back to where we were all dancing. Soon Kiwi and David joined us as well as Bradie and Sammy. Poor Xavier must have drank more then he could handle because he ended up running to the bathroom and spewing all the popcorn he’d consumed at the movies along with all he’d drank. Maddie walked to the bathroom with him to make sure he was okay while we all continued to dance around.


I woke up to the sun shining through the blinds straight into my eyes. Surprisingly I didn’t have a hangover considering the amount of alcohol I’d consumed the night before. I heard breathing behind me on my bed and turned to see Bradie.

“Uhmm..” I muttered.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked as shocked as me.

“Uh..hi?” he said confusingly sitting up.

We both got up and left the room to see where everyone else was. I couldn’t even remember how I got to bed, let alone how Bradie ended up there. After I saw where everyone was I went and had a shower. I walked out from the bathroom after around 20 minutes showered and refreshed. I went downstairs to see Maddie and Xavier on the couch, not looking like they were enjoying their morning. I went to the kitchen to make myself a tea, when Bradie snuck up behind me.

“Do you remember how I ended up in your bed?” he asked me.

“I was hoping you could fill me in on that.” I laughed. I made my tea as well as one for him and we brushed off the subject, joining Maddie and Xavier in the lounge room. Over the next hour or so all of our friends slowly stumbled from where they’d slept, some leaving for home and the rest joining us all.

“Hey girls, we were wondering if you would join us all on tour? We’re leaving tomorrow and it would be better to have you all with us.” Andy asked Paris, Bek, Liz and I. We all nodded excitingly without even asking one another. First thing we had to do was sort out school work. Then all of the sudden Maddie came out with all the school work we’d have to do over the next few weeks.

“You knew we’d be going?” Bek asked her.

“Well of course” she smiled at us. We all wasted no time packing. Bek, Paris and Liz left to go to their houses and everyone else went back to Shaun’s house. I ran to my room and grabbed out the only suit case I had. I mostly filled it with skinny jeans and band t-shirts, along with a few other accessories. Within around 2 hours I had pretty much everything I was sure I needed. I went to Shaun’s and no surprise was the first out of all of us girls. I knew Bek would be the longest with packing, I wasn’t sure on who would be quicker between Paris and Liz however. Bek had a habit of packing a ridiculous amount of things she didn’t need along with what she did need ‘just in case’. After Paris beat Liz and everyone was finally at Shaun’s house we all went through our stuff making sure we had everything, eager to travel the country with all of our friends.

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