Pearl....Pearl was all I could think about, her personality and her beautiful curves.
"Huh" You was knocked out my concentration
You looked up at the sky and saw it began to rain.
"How long was I out" You say
"About 3 months"
You gasped and saw a beat up Amethyst crawl up to you.
"Amethyst what happened to you who did this"
You stood up and picked her up bridal style.
"We have to go to the fountain"
"But Gar-"
"I don't care about her"
You ran to the house while carrying Amethyst and Garnet was right there waiting for you.
"Hey Garnet can I get through I'm the trying to go to the warp"
Garnet didn't say anything but looked.
"Uh Garnet"
She looked at you then looked at Amethyst.
"Garnet !"
Garnet pulled her fist back and punched you. You and Amethyst went flying into the air.
Amethyst moaned as she crawled next to you.
"Dude we are going to get smashed"
"Amethyst I can't let you die"
"Dude it is okay"
Garnet walked in front of us and I'll just say this all air came out of your body. She held you because knew Amethyst was too weak. You squirmed under her grip as she began to choke you. You kicked her off you and ran off with Amethyst until you lost Garnet.
"Amethyst we can't fight Garnet"
"I know"
Garnet came out off no where and grabbed me. She took you underwater which caused me to gasp. You were taking in water really fast and the last thought you had was "throw Pearl's gem" so You did what you thought.
Amethyst P.o.v
I saw Pearl's gem come out the water and land on the sand.
"Y\N..Pearl's gem....Rose,s fountain"
I grabbed her gem and tried to get up but couldn't. I crawled into the beach house trying not to make any noise then I crawled to the warp. Foot steps were heard not normal foot steps but Garnet foot steps. I began to panic because the warp pad wasn't working. I took a deep breath and looked down at my gem. A sharp pain came from my leg so I looked down. I looked down and it was bleeding.
"Dammit" I cursed
The door opened and my whole world was destoryed. Garnet held Y/N in one hand and she/he was unconscious. A tear ran crown my face as I thought about all my friends being gone. Anger followed and I began to think like a gem again.
"I'm sick of being the victim, I am a gem if you want to fight lets fight then" I said
For a moment I thought of Rose's fountain. The warp activated and I went flying.