Chapter 25:My Dad

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When I got home I changed into sweatpants and a tee shirt. I decide instead of slopping around and crying, I would clean the house a bit. I cleaned every room and every closet. Your stuff still remains in the same spot. After cleaning, I watched tv. A few minutes later, I heard someone knock at the door. I got up and walked down the hallway to answer the door. It was my dad.
"Hey, what are you doing here?"-Brent
"I came to see how your holding up."-dad
"I'm doing okay. Still a little torn up but I'm good."-me
"You wouldn't answer your phone so I came to ask you in person."-dad
"Oh, my phones turned off I haven't turned it on yet."-me
"Well, I'll talk to you later. Love you bye."-dad
He walked back to his car. I knew he didn't come just to see how I was doing. I knew he wanted to come in and start stuff. Me and him don't get along that well. I went back to watching tv. I eventually fell asleep.

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