Chapter 16

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Ian's POV

Chase explains his relationship with Judy when they first met. It really piques my interest about these events and I listen. Every detail is so correct it makes my heart of glass shatter into a million pieces. I can see in his very eyes that he truly loves Judy. 

"After what happened, I went back home and Judy was-"

He stops. He looks at me in disgust. "What the hell?"

My eyebrows fly upward. "What?"

"That face."

"Face? What face?"

Chase scratches the back of his neck and toss his hair away in the air. He doesn't open his mouth. his hand stretches out, pointing at my mouth and I notice that the corners of my mouth pull up into a smile.

"That face."

I smile on purpose this time. "Oh, It's just that-" I pause.  "I kinda like the way you explain it. Every detail, every word. It's just so interesting."

Chase runs a hand through his messy, thick hair. Sighs. "Should I just  finish what I'm saying or keep looking at your face and tell myself not to punch it?"

My face turns serious and raise my hand. "Right. Sorry."

He clears his throat. His fingers intertwine. "Judy covered her face and said she was stupid then I teased her from behind-"

As he goes on, I'm more and more interested. His voice changes expression everytime.

"And I kissed her-" 

I stop. Stop moving. Stop blinking. Stop breathing. I'm a statue and I can't move. I'm an unfinished story waiting to be finished.

He looks at me again. "What?" A sigh. He stands up and turn the lights off. I go back to the world where I grew up, and met Judy then Chase.

"Hey! I was listening!" I pout.

"Look behind you." Chase's voice emerges.

I look behind. Saw nothing. No one. "Can't see anything since you turned the lights off."

Footsteps pound on the floor. A click and the lights are on, and Chris is standing in front of us near the door, his eyebrows almost meet.

"You? Kissed her?" he asks. "Two years ago?" His voice is low and deep. Deep enough for us to fall.

Chase says nothing. Clasping and unclasping his hands. Looks down. I move my head in Chris's direction and he runs to Chase, holding him on the collar.

I move to stop them both but Chris is big enough to stop me. He's gasping hard and loud like he's drowning.

His broad shoulders block me from getting to Chase. "Calm down bro! That was two years ago!" I say.

Chris raises his fist and about to punch Chase. "Two years?! It means everything to me! You kissed my girl!" He raises his fist even higher which was really a dangerous thing if he hits Chase. The impact will be hard to handle. "

"This is for kissing my girlfriend!" 

Chris hits Chase but was able to dodge the attack with his arm. I immediately pull Chris's heavy arm away from Chase but he lifts me up with magnificent strength, only using his arm. He throws my body on the wall and a bottle of beer crashed from the table were I landed.

"Ow!" I scream.

Running footsteps come to life and Judy is already in the room.

"Chris?! Chris stop this! This isn't you!" she says pulling Chris away. 

Her eyes are deep and sorrowful as she looked at Chase then a burning flame of anger rushed on her pupils as she shifted her head to Chris.

"Tell me what happened!" Judy touches his shoulder but Chris stays silent.

I try to get up but my body fails me because of the impact. Chris is indeed strong and I have to be careful and stay careful.

Finally Chris's mouth opens. "He kissed you." his voice is soft.

"W-what?" Judy stutters.

"He kissed you didn't he?!" his voice is now starting to volume up.

"How did you know?! And that was two years ago, it doesn't matter anymore!" Judy argues. Chase just stands there. His face covered with his hair.

"It matters to me! Just when you have a boyfriend you start kissing people you don't know?!"

"So now I'm a tramp and a slut is that it?!" she says. 

"I didn't say that!"

Everyone in this house had something to contribute. But now, it's my turn. I want to be the one who can be able to sort out this mess but I'm nervous so I say what was supposed to be kept secret.

"What about you huh?!" I finally say. "I saw you in Canada. My eyes never fail me. I saw you with Chloe in Amy's house! You were in a room with her and you know it!"

I want to stop myself but it was too late. The words already escaped my mouth.

(A/N) ~*Author's Note*!

Sorry for your long wait guys! School started already and it has been, what? Three months? I'm so sorry I really have to focus on my studies since I'm already a 4th year student! No worries though! I promise I'll write as soon as possble only for you guys! Read read read and vote! Coment if possible! :) 

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