Chapter 2

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"H-hey! Don't you dare ignore me Chase Summers! What the hell happened last night?!" I scream at Chase, early in the morning. He takes a large pitcher of water and pours some on the glass.

"Dammit Judy why so early in the morning?!" I furrow my eyebrows. "It's because I want to know what happened!"

"Kids! You just met yesterday, slept for 10 hours, then you're already arguing? What's the matter with you two?" Dad says. "It's nothing in particular dad."

Dad frowns. "What do you mean nothing? You've been screaming at the top of your lungs since Chase woke up! What is going on?"

Chase suddenly appears behind me, without me noticing. "Nothing sir." I turn back at him, then to my dad. "See?"

Dad wonders for a moment then says, "Okay then. Let's eat." Chase and I sat far away from each other. Dad tosses two huge pizza slices to Chase's plate. Mine on the other hand, are small. I frown and cross my arms.

"How come Chase's pizzas are big and mine are small?" Dad rolls his eyes. "Come on Judy, even for two pizza slices, you'll start an arguement?" Chase chuckles in his seat.

"I'm not done with you buster!" Dad manages to stop me before I stab Chase with a fork. Chase smirks. "Judy, calm down. It's just pizza." I frown. "Dad, it's not just pizza." I storm off without breakfast and search the keys for my car, in my room.

I found them and I go straight to the garage to start the car and leave for school. "Judy! You know you can't go to school without breakfast."

Dad hollers as he goes to the garage. I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Trust me, I can this time."

"And you can't leave without Chase too missy. He's going to and from school with you from now on." he says. My eyes widen. "Hell no! He has his own motorcycle!" Dad takes an aspirin from his pocket and swallows it.

"You don't have a choice Judy. You do what I tell you to is that clear missy?" I nod my head.

I see Chase, running from the front door, then hops to the car. "Sit behind me, not beside." I glare at him. Chase said nothing and does what I say. "Hey kids, don't start now okay?" Dady says. Chase nods. "Yes sir." I say to him and start the engine to head for school.

From the moment I start the engine, everything was silent. Chase didn't say a single word. I give a sigh and then I see him open his mouth from the rearview mirror.

"Judy about the pizza,-" I raise my hand to cut him off. "Don't say it Chase. No need." Chase slumps back to his seat and says nothing more. I chuckle.

I park the car beside the school buiding and Chase jumps out to meet with his "girlfriend", Jennifer or Jen for short. "Hey Jen!" he says, approaching her.

He shots her a kiss, a disgusting one at that. He holds her ass up and she gives a moan. Jen smiles at him and looks at me with disgust. "Hey baby. Why are you with the freak?" she says breaking the kiss.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"You heard me." she says back. I scoff. "Look Jen, you may be the prettiest bitch in this school, and you may be the president of the Cheerleading Club, but let's not forget, beauty is nothing without the brains." Jennifer widens her eyes at me. "At least I'm not a fucking mathlete and an ugly freak."

"At least I'm still a virgin you slut." I snap. Jennifer furrows her eyebrows and storms off leaving Chase behind. I raise my arms and stretch them up in the air. "Aaah! I've always wanted to say that." Chase frowns at me.

"Nice going Baby Doll." he says and storms off, while crossing his hands. I stand all alone beside the building, staring at nothing.

"Well that feels like fuck." I mumble to myself as I go inside the school. "Hey!" Ella screams. I greet her and gave her a kiss. "Welcome back to school." she says. I roll my eyes at her.

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