Chapter 6

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"Ellie? Who's Ellie?" I ask him. He gives a groan and says, You don't know your bestfriend?" he asks. I punch his shoulder.

"It's Ella you dimwit." I say.

He scratches his head, his hair in a mess. "Ella huh? Hook me up with her." I ignore him. "Hey, hook me up with whatshername." I turn my head again, "It's Ella! For the last time it's Ella!" I scream, standing up.

I look at Ella, looking back at me with surprise. Lucille turns her head to me and point at my chair signaling me to sit down but I didn't.

I look straight to my direction, and I see my Literature teacher, Mr. Harrl, looking at me. I see Chase smirking. "Sorry baby Doll but, I'm fucking bad with names." Mr. Harrl whips his stick on the table. "That's a week's detention London!"

I shrug my shoulders and sit down, crossing my arms. "Hehe." Chase smirks, covering his mouth. I keep quiet for minutes and suddenly, the bell rings.

Classes continue, and I wait for my punishment. I sit in Mr. Harrl's class and I'm supposed to sit there for two hours. I avoided Chase since the start of our arguement over Ella. Infact, I want to avoid him for the rest of my life. 

Mr. Harrl just sits at the table infront of me checking test papers, when suddenly the bell rings, and I hurriedly get my bag to get out of the classroom, but he stops me.

"Oh no Miss London. I have to talk to you." he says, checking more papers, and I approach him slowly.

"Y-yes sir?" I ask, trembling and afraid that he might give me work to do down the boiler room. "About what happened earlier, are you and Summers,-" he asks but I didn't finish his sentence.

"Oh no sir! We're definitely not a couple! He just lives in my house." I exclaim. He nods and points at the door, "Okay then." he says. "You may now go home." I nod and walk straightly out of there. I take some time to breathe some air and go to my car to drive for home.

I arrive, hearing the TV on, and I open it to see Chase watching cartoons, while eating popcorn and making a mess on the floor.

He laughs like there's no tomorrow for him. He swings his head to my direction and just smiles at me.

I turn my head in the other direction, opposite to him and jolt upstairs, locking the door. I jump on my bed when someone pounds on the door. It's definitely Chase because of his brash attitude.

"Open up Judy! Why are you ignoring me?!" he screams.

"Shut the fuck up Chase! Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone!" I scream back from the other side of the door, my heart  pounding, afraid that he might enter my room.

The pounding stops, then I hear a slide, and the door smashes into piles of wood. I close my eyes a bit and open them again, hoping that it's just a dream, but it is true. He's a monster. He's definitely a monster. I wiped my eyes, looking at the mess.

I then look at him. "You- you're a monster." 

"What?" he asks, softly.

"You're a monster! Get out!" I cry. "I don't want to see your face again do you hear me? Get out! Get the fuck out!"

I cover my eyes with my hands and wait for him to go out, but I hear no footsteps. Not even a sound. He walks to me, my eyes still closed with my hands, and sits down beside me on my bed. I feel him grip my hand, and pulling it away from my face. He then wipes my tears.

"What did I do wrong Judy? Tell me." he asks, smoothing my hair. I say nothing. I despise him because of what he did in Literature class. I still do.

"Is it about the door?" he asks yet again.

I stand up from the bed, pointing the way out. "Get out Chase. It's no use talking to you and it's definitely not about the door."  I say.

He stands up. "Then what is it?!"

I gave a groan, "You forgot didn't you? Earlier in Literature?!"

"Oh that." he says. "Sorry about the detention thingy."

I scoff. I can't believe this guy! "Sorry. Is that all you can say to me Chase? Sorry?"

He nods. "Yeah. Sorry."

"I can't believe this shit!" I scream. "You made me scream, and I got detention. I ignored you earlier and broke my door. Then you apologize just now for what you did earlier. And now all you can say is sorry?!"

He stands up and says nothing more. His face is covered with his hair so I didn't see his reaction. I sit on the floor with my hands on my head. I bang my head to the wall beside the bed, and suddenly dad appears in front of me, stopping me from banging my head.

"Judy! Judy! What's wrong with you?! Stop it!" he says demandingly and pulling away my bleeding head resting on the wall. "I can't take this anymore dad!" I cry. "I want to be with mom now!"

He looks at the broken door. "It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay Judy." he says with a soft tone, smoothing my hair. "Tell me what happened. I tell him every detail of what happened earlier between me and Chase.

"Okay then," he says. "Call Chris to come over or let him spend the night if you want." I nod and grab my phone from my bag.

As I dial the numbers, it made me want to be with Chris even more. 


"H-hello?" I stammer.

"Yes Princess?"

"I-I wa-" I stammer again. A lump comes to my throat forcing me to cry.

"What is it Princess?"

I fall on the floor creating a loud noise.

"Princess hold on! Where are you?!"

"I'm- I'm in my room Chris. C-can you spend the night here with me?"

"I will. Hold on baby. I'm coming okay? Don't cry."

"Please hurry."

The phone hangs up and I wait for Chris to arrive without even bothering to wash my face. I didn't even stand.

I hear the doorbell ringing. "Chase! Will you please open the door for Chris?" dad says from the outside. I could hear them. "What is Christopher doing here?" Chase says.

"Not now Chase." Chris replies. 

The footsteps are getting louder and louder from the stairs. Chris stands in front of the broken door and drops his bag, full of clothes on the floor. "J-Judy!" he screams running to me. He hugs me tight close to his chest and smooths my hair. 

I laugh a bit. "That's the 4th time you called me Judy." 

"What happened?" he asks.

"I'll tell you everything when we get sime privacy but unfortunately we can't. But at least your here now." I say giving him a kiss on the forehead. He hugs me tighter, and gives me back a kiss on the forehead.

"This is serious Princess. Who did this to you?" he asks with a serious tone.

I suddenly see Chase standing in front of us and Chris stands up approaching.

"Back off." he says, standing face to face with Chase.

(A/N)~*Author's Note*~

Sorry it took a while! We had to go explore Kabankalan! Well, here it is! In the 7th chapter, it will be more challenging than ever so I need help! Thanks for reading and voting!

Another Note:

This guy is the same with chapter 4 because he's sooooooooo effin' hot! In my opinion I'm rooting for him but you guys might disagree so, you decide. Love ya huns!.... :)

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