Teen! Uta x Sempai! Male! Reader (Smut)

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"Notice me Sempai!"

(Narrator P.O.V)

Is it bad that I notice what type of pants (Y/n) wears before I notice how his hair is styled? And don't take that the wrong way, he's just got a good taste in pants? No, that doesn't sound believable... since we all wear the same pants as part of the school dress code.

"Uta, are you still with us?"My classmate and best friend, Yomo, asked me through a note he passed to me

"Ya" I wrote down "I'm just.... fantasizing" Yomo is the only one, hopefully, to notice that I literally fangirl over (Y/n)-Sempai. I internally, and sometimes externally, scream when I hear his voice.

"I've told you to tell him, you'd be surprised in his answer" Yomo threw another note at me

"I could never" I replied as I looked at the board in the front of the class room, trying to pay attention and failing miserably.

All that is running through my head is (Y/n)-Sempai's ass. This morning his ass looked very.... squeezable. And boy did I want to squeeze it.

It doesn't matter to me if my Sempai shares the same feelings as me, it really is just..... singular. I mean if he was me I could actually have a reason to fangirl over him and to want to fondle the perfect ass that he possesses, but right now it's just kind of.... I don't know what to call it.

"Mr. (Random Teacher)" I heard (Y/n)'s angelic voice in front of the class

"Hello, (Last name)" The teacher totally relaxed, as if the very existence of (Y/n) calmed his world

"I need to borrow Uta for a second" He said

Right in the Kokoro (heart)....

"Sure" The teacher said "Uta, you can go"

I don't think I've ever jumped out of my seat as fast as I did right then. I practically ran to (Y/n)'s side.

"This way" He said as if this was a normal action. (Y/n) was damn sexy today, he smelled like my favorite smell making my heart melt. I could barely stand by him his presence is so powerful. My Sempai is loved by everyone. So it's hard for me to get this close to him since he normally has a horde of girls around him. "So, Uta" My name rolling off his lips sent chills flying up and down my spine "I was wondering, one would you like to join student council, and two would you like to eat lunch with me on the roof?"

"Wait, really?" I said out loud

"Yes really" he smiled brightly

"I thought you wouldn't ask a guy... let alone me... to the roof"

(Male! Reader's P.O.V )

"I thought you wouldn't ask a guy... let alone me... to the roof" my Kohai, Uta, said fiddling with his buttons, avoiding eye contact

"Uta" I lifted his chin up to look me in the eye "It's just lunch, nothing weird ok?"

There are these weird rumors that I take girls up to the roof and have sex with them. I have no clue how the rumor started, but when I heard it I told them that it was so far from true that they didn't even want to know. I usually bring a circle of 3 girls up to the roof to give me pointers on how to deal with other guys.

Ya, if you don't know by now I'll just tell you, I'm gay. Have been since I can remember. I have been waiting for the perfect guy to come along to share my first.... everything with, and when I saw Uta for the first time I had to find out all about him.

Uta x Male!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now