Uta x Dancer! Male! Reader (Part 2)

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(Male!Reader's P.O.V)

~6 Years later~

"How can I help you?" An energetic voice boomed over the McDonald's driveway speaker

"A Big Mac and... what do you want?" Uta looked at me, his face wondering

"Fucking water" I sassed back

"Do you have Fucking water? Like not just water, but fucking water?" he asked the energetic voice, who giggled back with a 'no'. "Sorry, they don't have fucking water" Uta smirked

Six years of being with this fool.... You'd think I had gone insane.

A little update on the past 6 years: Instead of dancing every night I now only dance on the weekends, as a sort of 'Special Event'. I no longer have sex outside of Uta and my relationship, and we now live together.

"A Big Mac will be all" Uta replied

Uta apparently has to go on a diet, once in awhile, where he eats human food and then throws up. He might eat an eye ball here and there but I haven't seen him eat a sufficient amount of meat like he should be.

"Smells revolting" he said sniffing the Big Mac

"Even to a normal human that thing smells reached!" I replied

The two of us headed home, for what Uta calls his 'Private dance lesson', where we have sex.


We got into the doorway, put the Big Mac in the microwave and he began kissing me roughly.

"You can't wait?" I asked between breaths

"Like hell I can, tomorrow you're going to dance for 40ish guys and have them drool over you, just let me leave a few hickeys and thrust into you"

Well I guess he's being really possessive tonight.

It's true that Uta has been trying to get me to quit the business of dancing, but it not only has great income but also I do what I like to do. If I stop, what do I do?

STAY AT HOME "MOM". That's.what Uta told me when we had this discussion. He wants me to stay home to cook and clean and welcome him home with nothing but an apron on.... We'll I guess that's my fantasy too, if I was welcomed home with Uta like that every day... you don't even want to know.

"Take your own, damn, pants off!" Uta yelled frustrated at my new belt buckle

"You're so cute" I said taking them off in one swift motion

He pulled off my underwear and, after saturating his middle finger in his own saliva, he inserted one finger. As he began to thrust the finger in and out of my ass he kissed my bare chest and with his free hand he massaged one of my nipples. I moaned and squirmed under his touch as he finally fit three fingers inside of me.

"U-Uta!" I called as I came

He smiled, as if he had won an argument, he placed a good amount of lube on his member as he then slowly entered me.

"W-Wait!" I called, trying to push him off

"Hmm?" he hummed

"I-I just came, wait a s-second!"

"Ya.. that's not happening" he said, as he overpowered me (easily, if I may add)

I felt his member start to enter inside of me, it sliding in easily but also a little painfully.

Yes we've done this a handful of times but it seems that he always gets bigger every time we do it! Every time it friggin hurts but it feels so damn good.

"Uta!" I called out as I grabbed onto him

"So tight..." he commented as he fully entered into me "You get tighter every time, it's like fucking a virgin" he laughed under his breath as he began to move. Our skin met each other and slapped as a greeting, echoing in our ears as it did so. Uta's grunts paired with my sensual moans made the evening last for, what seemed, forever. His thrusts sporadic and a little violent and his grunts low and sensual. The both of us came 3 times before Uta decided that it was enough and we ended up holding each other under the blankets as we prayed this moment would never end.

But sadly it did.... My eyes shut for a moment and the next I awoke to a bright open room that smelled of ink and cum, a lovely combination. Uta still holding onto me, well he was more using me as a body pillow his legs intertwined with my own and his arms holding me nice and close to him...... a.k.a no way out....

"Uta... I have to get up..." I poked his nose trying to get him to release me

"Nope... 2...more... hours..." he mumbled as he pulled me even closer to him. His warm breath tickled the back of my neck as his hands glided to the center of my back and then to my ass, which he gladly groped.

"Uta, I should get up. I will make breakfast and" I whispered into his ear "I will do it with only the frilly white apron on"

You would've thought I was on fire he let go so fast.

I smiled at him as I got up, stretched, and did as I said I'd do. I took off my underwear, which for some reason I put back on last night, and placed the apron on me. Yes it was breezy and yes I am currently blushing so hard I might pass out, but it makes him happy when I do things like this.


"Uta, breakfast is ready" I called, to my still sleeping man


"Your later will be when I'm at work, so eat the meat I 'cooked' (or just got for Anteiku and marinated in 'red sauce')" I brought it to the table

"Bring it to me..." he shifted in the bed

I rolled my eyes and brought it to him, he sat up but instead of just giving him the plate I had a bit of fun with my half awake man.

"Open up" I said cutting off a piece

He's going to kill me... he hasn't had meat this rich in juices in almost a month....

--Time Skip: night time--

"Ready..." My voice echoed throughout the bar "To be devoured?" I strutted out, about 40 guys huddled around my pole cheering for me.

And who's in the corner scolding me? None other than my man, Uta.

The new song [A/N: The Song above] for my new dance began, a dance that I hadn't show Uta.

Oh man, is he going to be pissed.... For one, I promised to show him all my dances before performing them...... and two....it's very, well to put it nicely, SEXUAL. Like more so than I've ever done in front of my man.

As I danced and made eye contact with Uta, I got the glare of 'You're going to get it when we get home'.

Can't wait!


A/N: For some reason I had a hard time writing this, so I hope that it's not a terrible chapter.

Sorry if there are some spelling or grammar errors... I'll fix them eventually.

Requests are now closed.

Next chapter will be Uta x Insane! Blind! Mute! Male! Reader {Request} and can be expected Friday.

Friday you guys can go back to voting!

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