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[A/N: Song above (Glassy Sky) I played on repeat until I finished this. Also I wanted to stress on the importance of this topic, it was not voted in the top (or at all for the matter of fact) but this was what one of my friends told me to write for today, after she suggested it I couldn't stop thinking about it so I'm sorry if I made some of you mad for making this chapter instead of Uta x Dancer! Male! Reader (Part 2). A warning, if I may add, this has a scene with forced sex (rape) so please read at your own digression...]

(Completely) O.O.C.! Uta x Rude!Male! Reader

(Male! Reader P.O.V)

Shit! I yelled in my head as I tapped my pointer finger on my desk. Today is the beginning of the second semester of my third, and last year, in this hell they call high school. I ignored all my pawns as they tried to strike up a conversation with me.

"Class, can I have your attention?" the poor excuse for a home room teacher spoke up, her voice sounding as though she actually cared a small amount "This is the new student, his name is Uta, please treat him nicely" Next to the beast of a teacher stood a glorious man that looked strikingly like a woman, a goddess if I may. He stood there thin and unimpressed looking as he scanned the classroom. His jacked not from this school, let alone the country, and his pants not in dress code whatsoever. "You can take a seat in the back, by (Student)", Uta nodded his head slightly as he walked to the back of the classroom clutching his bag as if one were going to steal it.

"Wow...." I said, in awe, under my breath.

"Target aquired" One of the idiots around me pointed to me and giggled like an elementary girl.

"I'll allow you to get around and and talk with each other for the time remaining."

If one guy left his seat and sprinted to Uta, than a hundred did. They all bombarded him with questions to which he ignored, he seemed a bit shy

"Oi" I called over, making everyone freeze, I got up and filed through the horde of students to him. His glossy black hair long and pulled back into a ponytail, half of his head shaved, and showing off his strange red and black eyes.

"What?" He asked a little harsh

"Why change schools in the middle of the year?" I asked

"Why the fuck do you care?" He made the whole room fall silent "Who the hell are you to ask that sort of question?" He glared at me, making shivers crawl down my spine.

"You dare give me that type of shitty tone? I'll fuck you up 'Uta'" I called, almost snapping and flattening out this kid right here. The class erupted in shock, they hadn't seen me this pissed since a freshmen with mental disabilities tried to join the basketball team. [A/N: I don't have a problem with mental disabilities! My step niece has down syndrome and is the sweetest thing you'll ever see. I just need Reader-chan to be a bit of an ass... sorry]

"Calm down, (First name)-san" Kaneki Ken, the school nerd with multiple personalities, tried to stop me from peeling this guy's skin off

"Fucker" I said under my breath "Meet me on the roof at lunch, Uta, I'll show you your place"


(Uta P.O.V)

Chills fell and climbed back up my back as (First name), or so he's known as, stared at me with his cold and barely living (eye color) eyes. He struck a chord with me, but because of my terrible people skills I think I just dug my own grave. I eyed a white haired individual that stopped that brute from killing me, his eyes were two different colors and his posture had drastically changed as he then looked at another kid, possibly his brother, and talked to him.

Uta x Male!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now