All For Money - Chapter Six

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Considering most of my fans are MCR fans and don't give a crap about my stories, that's huge. Me and my imaginary friend Bubbles (pink unicorn) thank you. c:


Chapter Six


So I flirted with her, and I still have a girlfriend.

I see nothing wrong with this. Why, you ask? My girlfriend lied to me and claimed an innocent's girl beautiful voice as hers. And she was starting to get on my nerves anyway. Always pulling me into a kiss in the hallway to show off.

As much as I wanted to love her, she wasn't in it for the love.

I had taken a shower and peeled the sopping wet clothes off of me, now dressed in skull pajama pants, my big glasses I refused to wear outside of my one-story house, and my blue Dallas hoodie I had gotten on a field trip last year.

To this day, it was still too big for me.

I was strumming my guitar, lounging on top of my bed. I picked at the strings and hummed to myself. A very cliche, unoriginal part of me wanted to invite Lexi to the auditorium and sing with her while I played piano for the surprise. The romantic part told me to take her to the forest and give her roses.

Nah. Next time.

Let's be cliche for once, shall we?

My room was pretty simple. Lining the walls were bands that I actually listened to. I faked liking mainstream for Melissa's sake. The whole room was painted red so it matched my red and black checkered bed covers.

In the corner was a desk, and around the room was a dresser and my instruments: my acoustic guitar, which I had in my hands, my electric guitar, my amps, my keyboard, and my bass.

The serenity in my room was intruppted by my room's door being thrown open. In the doorway was my mother, looking frantic. When she saw me, her eyes relaxed, but they quickly narrowed and turned into a glare. "Where exactly were you, Zackery Adam Hale?" she growled.

Ouch. I was in trouble.

"I took the girl I followed home," I said simply.

"You had me worried sick, Zackery! I looked everywhere for you! When I saw your 'Blazer gone I feared the worst. Did you forget that you were Melissa's ride?"

Oh God. How could I forget about her? I jumped out of bed immediately, almost squishing Helena, who has been snuggling next to me. "Where is she?"

"She's downstairs." She didn't sound happy. At all.

"I have to go apologize." I ran down the stairs and searched until I saw Melissa hanging her ruined leather jacket on one of the dining room table's chair. She turned to me, cradling herself with her arms.

"Where the hell were you?" she managed through her chattering teeth. How long had she been looking for me? She looked more wet than my mother.

I readjusted my glasses. "I totally forgot about taking you home, I'm so sorry," I apologized. She was going to get sick, I just knew it.

"I know about that," she said through clenched teeth that were still chattering a bit.

I decided she would find out the truth soon enough. "I took Lexi home after she told me the truth. I know all about your little game, Melissa. And I'm not happy with it at all." I crossed my arms and inched forward a step, while she backed up one.

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