All For Money - Chapter Eleven

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Yes, the last chapter was very far-fetched.

But hey, every good story has to have a far-fetched chapter...



Chapter Eleven


I stared at the pink piece of paper in my hands, truly disgusted. One arm was behind my head as I lay on the bed, holding out the flyer with my other hand.

I still couldn't believe Melissa had done something like this. What happened to nice Melissa? The one that used to laugh and smile and hug me?

I looked at the paper again and sighed.

She was never there.

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, and, sure enough, I was greeted by my mother standing in the doorway. "Zack! Your coach said that I have to wake you up every hour because you got hurt. What are you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep," I mumbled.

"What are you looking at?" she asked, coming further towards me. She looked at the flyer and gasped. "Zack! Did you make this?"


"Then who did? Is this the Lexi girl you were talking about?" she questioned frantically.

"Yes, this is the Lexi I was talking about, and the girl you loved so much before I kicked her out made it," I explained, not tearing my eyes from the paper.

"Melissa did? But why?" she asked.

"She's jealous, Mom. She saw Lexi and I kiss and she wants to win me back. But after this? No way I'm taking her back. But she just won't give up."

"Well, firstly, I-- Wait, you and Lexi kissed?" she asked.

"What's wrong with that? We're dating now." I said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How long have you been going out?"

"Since Friday. So... 5 days, since it's technically Tuesday now."

"And how many times have you guys kissed?" she squestioned, sitting down on the bed with me.

"Four times," I said in a small voice.

She didn't know whether to praise or scold me, and that made me chuckle. Finally she decided to go with, "Don't kiss her so much, Zack."

"You know you're happy for me," I teased.

"Keep dreaming, Zack." She stood up and walked out of the room.

"I love you too, Mom," I called as she shut the door. I crumpled up the flyer and tossed it straight into the trash can.

Take that Melissa.



 "Ian dumped me."

The words made my jaw drop. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They were madly in love just yesterday, than the next day he dumps her? "W-Why?"

"He's moving to Atlanta. And since Rose and Anthony were a package deal with him, they're not our friends anymore. Ridiculous, right?" Dani snorted.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!" I shouted.

"Even dumber than your rumor?"

"Probably! Faking friendship because a guy is there with you is so stupid! What's the point?"

"The point is is that those fakes are out of our lives. Just you and me now, right?" Dani asked. "We don't need anybody else."

"No we don't," I agreed, smiling.

I still couldn't believe they were just friends with us to hang around some guy. Really stupid, if you ask me.

The first bell rang and I opened my locker, grabbing my book. The first thing I noticed was a yellow Post-It stuck to the door.

How many notes was Zack going to send me?


We need a date that won't be intruppted by my physco ex-girlfriend. So tomorrow, Friday, as you know, our date will be at the bowling alley at 7. It will be a double date with my friend, if that's okay with you. Hope you bowl as much as I do. I need some competition.

I'll pick you up this time. :)

Love, Zack.

Lucky for him, I used to bowl with my Mom when she was around. But I could be a bit rusty, since it's been a year.

Dani stared at me. "Did Zack send you a note again? You have this goofy grin on your face and a Post-It in your hand."

I wiped the grin I didn't even know I was making off my face. "Yeah. Tomorrow we're going bowling."

She smirked. "I've seen you bowl. He better watch out."

"Do you think he has his owl ball? He said, and I quote, 'Hope you bowl as much as I do.' What if he's really good?" I asked.

"Then you're the perfect couple. You'll get married and have little bowling pin-shaped children that love to bowl. You'll grow old together," she said in a sing song voice.

I glared at her.

"What? I was just kidding," she defended.

"I don't even know if me and Zack will work out. I mean come on. He's popular. I'm not. He's a jock. I'm not. He's what every guy wants to be and every girl wants him. I haven't had a boyfriend in years."

"You're his girlfriend, now. If you can date Zack Hale, and him love you back, you are definitely worth it to boys. Except now every girl wants to kill you."

"Who knows if we'll last? I mean, we love each other, but Melissa won't leave us alone," I reminded her.  I caught Melissa stalking me a couple times.

"You totally want it to last."

She was right. I wanted it to last with all my heart.

But that probably wouldn't happen.

"Hey! Get to class!" I looked up and a teacher was pointing straight at Dani and I. I checked the time and it was a minute past the second bell rang.

I had been too caught up in talking to notice.

Dani and I scrambled to our class, but I couldn't help the excitement building up inside of me because of my date with Zack.


Sorry this took so long to get out.

I started a new story.

I'm going to finish this and maybe get far in the other one before I start my new book.

And then I shall retire as a writer.

Writing 5 books is my goal. c:

Vote/comment. c:

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