All For Money - Chapter Twenty-Three

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This chapter is dedicated to plastic-zombie, mostly for the fact that she wouldn't stop pestering me about it.


Chapter Twenty-Three


When we got back to Lexi's house, it was completely dark. I had put a hoodie over my bare chest, and I was now driving her home.

"I had a great time," she finally said.

"Me too. You sure like to talk," I observed.

"You're the one the kept talking," she argued, crossing her arms across her chest. I rolled my eyes playfully and pulled up to the curb.

I held open the car door for her as she stepped out, and we walked inside together. She rang the doorbell, and I wondered if maybe she forgot her keys.

Her mom opened the door. "Lexi, where have you been?" she asked angrily.

"I went to the beach with Z-- Is that Chase?!" she squealed. I looked inside the house. Who was this Chase she spoke of?

I had a feeling that that was the guy standing in the middle of the living room.

He had bleach blonde hair, and, from what I could tell from there, grey eyes. It was cut just above his eyes, and Lexi was gawking at him.

 "He's pretty cute, huh? Such a shame he's gay," she pouted, completely forgetting about the fact that Lexi had left with me.

We walked inside the house, and all eyes turned to us. Stephen narrowed his eyes at Lexi, like she was going to mess something up, and turned to stare at me. "Hello, Zack."


"What? No jokes?" he growled.

"No need to get defensive. I have realized that me teasing you about this is wrong, so no, no jokes," I said calmly.

He raised an eyebrow. "Wow."

 "What? Surprised?" I teased with a smug look on my face.

"Well, yes. I didn't expect you to get such an attitude change after making the first day I came out a living hell," he sighed.

"Well, I'm sorry," I apologized.

 Lexi walked over to where Chase was and she started chatting with him. Carmen and Stephen were hanging around, and her father was no where to be seen.

I felt awkward.

I knew that Chase was gay, but I couldn't help feel the least jealous that he could captivate her that quickly. What happened to the times when I could do that?

No, Zack. Don't be stupid. He's gay. Don't worry about it.

I shoved my hands deep into the swim trunk's pockets and stood there like an idiot. While the girls drooled over Chase, Stephen and I stood there like we didn't belong.

I was fine with that. At least after this, Lexi was all mine.

After what seemed like eternity, Lexi walked back over to me. "How did gawking at him go?" I asked sarcastically, a bitterness in my voice.

"It went gre--" She paused before a smug smile came on her face. "Are you jealous of him, Zackary Hale?" she teased.

"No, of course not," I played off.

"You know what? I think you are. You're jealous of a gay guy? You're unbelivable, Zack," she laughed. "Absolutely unbeliveable."

"I'm not jealous," I defended.

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