All For Money - Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Cute chapter is as promised.

5 to go before I'll be done completely, and I can move on to my other two books that have been on hold for as long as I can remember.

The video thingy over there is a teaser for a music video I'm REALLY excited to see. They're the people from the Mr. Simple video I put on there last week.

For some reason, I can't stop replaying those 25 seconds of heaven.


Chapter Twenty-Eight


"This isn't fair, coach!"

"It's absolutely fair, Hale! I'm the coach of this team, and I can take you off if I want to!" Coach yelled at me. His fists had slammed down on the table, and his eyes were narrowed at me. "Do not argue with me."

"I have a right! You can't just kick me off because of a haircut!" I shouted.

He rubbed his temples, pacing the room. Finally, he stopped pacing and glared at me.

"This team is nothing involved with skill. It's about the populairty. Populairty scores fans, and fans push the players harder. That. Is. How. We. Win. Understand, Hale? That haircut made your populairty die, therefore you are off the team."

"How about getting players with skill?" I snarled.

"This school is full of socially awkward teenagers. We have no skill," he sighed. He scratched under his baseball cap and turned back to me.

"How about you train some? That way, your big players can play, and you can win easier and you don't have to do this to decent players like me," I breathed. I was so beyond mad.

"No can do, Hale." The second bell rang, and he sighed. "I'll write you up a pass, but you need to get out. You're off the team, Zack. I'm sorry."

I rubbed my face of the sweat I had just gotten from yelling my heart out and waited as he wrote me up a pass so I could get to 7th period. He handed it to me and I thanked him one last time before leaving his office.

"Fine. I didn't even like football anyway," I muttered in the hallway.

I opened my locker, pulling the locker down and opening it. I pulled my Science book out and shut it again, walking over to the classroom a hall down.

I knocked on the door, and the teacher glared at me as she crossed her arms once the door was open. "Why are you late?"

I handed her my pass. "I had to talk with the coach."

"Fine. Go sit down."

I walked over to my seat and sat down, ignoring the stares.



A Few Weeks Later

The chemo was making me sicker and sicker by the minute.

A few weeks had passed since Zack and I had made up, and I was feeling awful with every dose I was given. I was getting paler, I was feeling weaker, and I was nauseous every waking second of my life.

I've even vomited a few times.

I shouldn't have done this. I should've let the cancer claim me as it wanted to. Then I wouldn't have to go through this.

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