All For Money - Chapter Thirteen

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Yeah, I took it off hold.

So here you go.

The song over there, for once, is appropriate to the chapter.

VERY appropriate to the chapter.


Chapter One


He was such a jerk.

Just because I was curious about one thing in his family, he think he can unleash the rath on me and expect me to forgive him? I would never forgive him.

My hands were sore, but I continued to use to drumsticks in my hands to beat the crap out of my drumset. I'd already had to steady my snare three times and pick up my China cymbal. 

My headphones were over my head, but I could still hear the drums clearly through the sound-proof muffs. I only had my bedside table lamp on. It was pretty late, but I was keeping my family up with my drumming.

I saw the door open while I was in the middle of hitting my Toms. I looked up and Stephen looked absolutely exhausted. "Go to bed, why don't you?"

"I'm mad, that's why." I smashed on a cymbal, making him wince.

He did not look amused. "Why, of all nights, do you have to be mad now? It's two in the morning, all of us are exhausted because you won't shut up, and I have a test tomorrow! Go. To. Sleep," he growled, making me raise an eyebrow.

He wasn't happy.

"Fine. Now get out of my room." He slammed the door and I threw my drumsticks at the wall the door was on, hoping he heard.

I used to like Zack. I really did. But now I know that he can't trust me, and I'm perfectly okay with that. If he can't trust me, I don't want to be in his life. Simple.

But the part of me that missed him took over.

I punched my wall and sobbed. He seemed like such a nice guy, and he seemed like he really cared about me.

Now, I wasn't so sure.


Come into the woods. I have a present for you. -D

Why would Dani send me a present?

I shut my Calc book and stood up from the ground. My back was stiff; I had been sitting there for an hour now, trying to figure the stupid thing out.

"Thanks to you, I got a B," Stephen accused. It was two days after my angry rage on my drumset. Stephen did not look happy.

But at least I stopped with the Mom dreams.

"You're welcome." I didn't care what he got, I just wanted to see what the present was. When it came to presents, I was a 5 year old on Christmas morning.

I pulled out of my driveway as fast as I could and started driving down the highway. Some rap was coming out of the radio, but I changed it quickly to my iPod, which Zack had given back to me after I left it at the school.


That name kept floating around in my head. I wanted to break up with him, end everything we ever had, but some things weren't that simple.

When I got to the entrance of the only woods in this place, I looked around for Dani. She was nowhere in sight. It was completely quiet, and it was giving me the creeps.

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