Chapter Thirty-Three- Oh, The Irony

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I sighed before slowly removing the gun out of the picture, setting it down on the cold concrete below us. This was going to be worth a shot.

"It's okay, Four."

I looked into his chocolate brown eyes, wondering if there was any part of his consciousness left within him. Right then all I could see was hate, betrayal, and a hint of sadness in his hues.

My hand went to rub his cheek, gradually pulling him closer to me, and ultimately led to him pressing the gun to my head harder.

"I adore you. It's okay."

A cackle sounded throughout the room after I said those words, "You really think that's going to work?" Jeanine questioned, her heels clicking with the ground.

"The simulation is one of the strongest ones we have been able to produce in such a short amount of time. There is no way that petty love will get through it in order to wake his conscious. Face it Adelaide, he's gone, and when he wakes he will live with dread when he realizes that he killed the one he started to love, by 'accident'."

I saw a glimpse of her black heels as they walked around, examining what her 'beauty' was now capable of causing. Destruction.

"Four, kill her. As for the rest of you, I want a report on how many Divergents have been caught..."

Her voice drowned out as I focused on Four, waiting for him to fulfill Jeanine's order.

I saw his pointer finger slowly pull on the trigger, "If you're listening, I just want to say one more thing: don't regret this."

I took one last look at him before I shut my eyes, waiting to feel the short pain before the bullet impacted my skull and pierced my brain.

It never came.

All I felt was someone's breath grazing my cheek.

I don't know what happened at that moment, but it was like he snapped out of the daze he was in. From what I could infer, his Divergence was able to break through the simulation he was experiencing. I wish I could do that.

"Addy," he whispered as my eyes opened, only for his to widen at the gun he had pressed to my forehead.

I smiled, and lightly kissed his nose quickly,"On three?"

"Yeah...three!" He said, instantly getting up and swinging the gun in a different direction and shooting one of the guards that was standing by.

As for me, I grabbed my gun and ran towards the computers, making a break to find out a way to shut down the system Dauntless was under. Most of the scientists had ran out when they heard gunfire, afraid for their own life. However, I didn't get fairly far due to the fact that one of Max's henchmen was one of the guards. And let me tell you, this guy was probably six foot six, and had a muscular build like Eric, except bigger.

Yeah, not fun. That fight alone was going to leave a mural of bruises for a long time.

Due to his massive size, brute force would be his motive right away. So, I went with the easier solution: shoot his foot.

That took him down easily, and while he reacted by immediately going towards his foot, I kneed him in the head, only to hear the thump that resulted from his body hitting the floor.

I looked at all of the monitors, clueless of how any of this technology worked.

"She got away," I heard Four say.

"Yeah, well, that's not the priority at the moment. Right now, we need to figure out how to shut this down and prevent any more of this hell from happening. And I don't know how any of this shit works!"

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