Chapter Eighteen- Vulnerable, Yet Touching Moments Are Always the Strongest

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After Eric left I picked up one of the manila folders and started going through the file. I pulled out a thick piece of paper and was met with a picture of Tris, her brown eyes staring off in a dull manner. Her hair was up in what looked like to be a bun, and was wearing some sort of grey clothing, suggesting her original faction to be Abnegation.

There wasn't a whole lot of information on her. The only papers that were useful in this pile included a short biography, her status during the physical training stage, and her current status in the second stage. Looking through the beginning second stage progress reports, I assumed that Four decided to manually enter in her times, since all of them were in the six to seven minute range. What I wanted to know was why Four was so keen on helping her. And why he kind of freaked out that I knew about her Divergence.

I shrugged off the question and I closed her file. I switched and picked up the second one, in which was Four's. His file was definitely a lot heavier and bulkier. He wore the same expression as Tris: dull and bored. His clothing was the same color as hers, as I already knew he was a transfer from Abnegation. He had a pretty impressive rap sheet for the most part. Being first throughout his whole initiation, he was far up the food chain in value. However, looking through his second and third stage records, he seemed to have the regular times as an official Dauntless member would.

Why did Max think he was Divergent?

I sighed, closing the file and rubbing my eyes. I just wanted to forget about the mission for one day and have a nice, relaxing day.

I removed myself from the couch and grabbed the files, making my way into my room and going to my dresser. I had to think of a place to put the files where Four couldn't find them, since I had a feeling where there were going to be times when he crashed at my place. So, I chose the most likely place he would never go through: my underwear drawer. Better safe than sorry, right?

"Addy?" I heard a deep voice call out.

I quickly put the files in the drawer, disguised it with my underwear, and ran out into the living room. I was immediately met with the smile from Four, who was standing in the doorway.

I smiled, "Hey. Please come in!"

He nodded slightly before walking in and closing the door behind him. When he came into full view I noticed that his left arm was behind his back, while his right carried a bag of what seemed to be clothing.

"Please don't tell me that you planned on hurting me," I said, taking a defensive approach because of the arm behind his back.

A startled expression came on his face, "No, I didn't plan on it. I would never hurt you."

Slowly he brought his right arm to the front of him, revealing a bouquet of red tulips.

I walked toward him and smiled, "Thank you, that's very sweet of you. I didn't think of you as a flowers guy? Zeke get to you again?"

"Before he left," Four sighed in irritation.

I gave him a peck on the cheek before taking the tulips and walking into the kitchen, setting them down on the counter so I could grab a vase.



"Is it okay if I use the shower? One of the pipes that brought water to my showerhead busted, and the mechanic said it was going to take a while to get fixed."

I nodded, "Of course. You can use mine. First bedroom on the right. The door should be open."

He nodded and muttered a thank you before directing himself through my apartment.

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