Chapter Twenty-Six- Patches

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"What the hell is going on!?" Max asked in a fit of rage.

Both of the men that sat in the seats next to each other didn't speak at all. All they did was death glare at each other, waiting for one to make the first move.

Max rolled his eyes at the childish act, "Both of you should consider yourself lucky that I am not gonna throw you into the Chasm. You guys should be well aware of one of the prized Dauntless saying that we live by?"

Four sighed, "Dauntless don't turn against each other."

"That's right," Max stated blankly. "And I expect the both of you to be intelligent enough to live by that saying. I don't care if you guys don't like each other. Am I clear?"

Both of the men nodded, still tense around each other.

"Now, what is this all about?"

Eric sighed, his left hand stroking through his faux hawk, "It was just recently discovered that Four and Tris have some sort of secret special connection."

Max's eyebrow quirked up, "Is this true?"

"There is a connection, but not a romantic one. She just wants extra help with the simulation, and I was there to hook her up and have her go through it under my supervision," Four stated matter-of-factly.

Max became interested in Four's accusation. He had already known that Four had a special connection with the initiate, so why was he trying to play it like it wasn't anything?

"If there was no romantic connection, did Adelaide know of your mysterious outings?"

Four's eyebrows furrowed, "Are you accusing me of cheating?"

Max lifted his eyebrow, giving him the hint.

Four sighed, "If you're so concerned, no, I didn't cheat. Tris was just being a stupid girl, thinking she could get with me even though I was in a relationship."

Max nodded, "Are you sure? You don't think she might be doing it because she wants you to break up with her?"

"Even if she tried, it wouldn't work. I don't plan on breaking our relationship any time soon," he said, sending a slight glare toward Eric, who was also glaring right at him.

Max sighed as he looked between the two of them, "I better not see you in this office again Four, do you understand me? And the next time I hear that you are snooping around with an initiate, you will be in trouble."

Four nodded and stood up, "Yes, sir."

"You may leave."

Four quickly strolled out of the office, making his way to where he needed to be most.

While the door shut, Eric sighed and looked at his boss, a conflicted facial expression on his face.

"You're just gonna let him off the hook like that?"

Max shrugged, "He is in much deeper trouble with Adelaide than with me. If anything, she will break him down. If someone can get him to talk, it's her."

"But we were planning for them to be separated two days before the plan took place."

"Well, Eric," Max said, sitting up, "if Four is so upset about this turn of events, don't you think he will tell her anything she wanted to know to patch up this relationship? He did say that he doesn't plan on having them break up any time soon. We need Adelaide to keep picking at his brain and try to get him to confess. As of right now, we still don't even know whether if he is Divergent or not, and we only have Tris and Uriah down as SUSPECTED Divergents. At this point, we have no proof that these people are Divergents. We just need to give her more time to do what she needs to do."

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