Chapter Twenty-Two -Person of Interest

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You would think that three brains could come up with a synchronized, well-thought out plan that all of us could agree on, right?

Think that through again.

For the past hour, Four, Lucas, and I haven't agreed on one single thing. Basically the plan that I had in mind was completely shot down by the boys, and now both of them are having a mini contest on who can make the best plan.

" wouldn't be wise to do something like that. Especially with someone like Eric," Four said, shaking his head.

"But Eric trusts Adelaide. Even if she did something along those lines, he probably wouldn't think anything of it!" Lucas yelled, trying to get his point across.

Four shook his head, "Eric isn't stupid. And I am not going to put my girlfriend's life more on the road to becoming a corpse."

"Since when did you know what was best for her?" Lucas asked, his voice becoming gruff.

I sighed, "Alright boys, that's enough-"

"Well, as her lover I have to make sure that I do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy."

"You guys haven't even been in a relationship that long. Plus, she can handle herself. Adelaide was one of the top students in her class, and has gotten this far by working hard. I don't think this will be an issue for her. She was trained to do this."

"It doesn't matter. Eric will still expect something."

"He might, but in the end he will give Adelaide the information we need."

"How do you know? You don't know the slightest detail about him!"

"We're trained to analyze someone just from their appearance and first impression," Lucas said matter of factly. "Just because I don't know him personally doesn't mean that I can't figure out who he is through a glance. Why is this such a problem for you?"

Four was silent for a minute before speaking again, "Because he was in my initiation class. I know what he is capable of, and what he can do to get his way. I don't want Adelaide to make matters worse on her part. On top of that, I don't like the fact that you want her to mess with him in a more sexual sense while she is dating someone she actually likes."

Lucas gritted his teeth, as if the last sentence was a stone that ground on his teeth, "Well, I'm glad you want to look out for her, but you're gonna have to put your trust in her."

"It's not her I don't trust. It's him."

I sighed, "That's enough. Four, I do this on every mission that I have ever been on. I understand you don't trust him, but you're gonna have to submit to the fact that this is the only way that I am gonna get anything out of him."

Four's eyes looked down at the floor, avoiding my gaze. I didn't know whether he was contemplating the mission, or if he was contemplating on his trust for me. I didn't expect him to have any trust in me, but in a case like this he has no choice but to do so.

Four sighed, "Fine, under one condition."


"I get to be radioed just in case you need some help-"

"I think it would be best if you were in the control room," Lucas interrupted, keeping his cold look. "You are the only one that has the passwords to the camera footage from his office. Plus, if you see something going wrong, you can radio me and I'll be there to help her." As Lucas spoke, he put a lot of emphasis on the words 'you', 'his', 'me', and 'her'.

I furthermore was getting annoyed by the antics both Four and Lucas were showing.

"Well, while you guys continue to argue about how you want to be involved with this, I'm gonna go do something productive and write."

I didn't wait for one of them to stop me. I instantly got up and went right to my room, sitting in the mahogany chair I was so used to. My notebook and pen were already sitting out, since I took some time to write more yesterday. Once I was comfortable, I picked up my black pen, turned to a blank page in my notebook, and continued to write reality:

It wasn't until the second stage of initiation that I had started to become interested in one particular student.

I was told her name was Beatrice Prior, but had changed it to Tris for whatever reason she had. From the get go, she seemed pretty interested in me. I didn't know if it was because I was in the Special Ops, or if it was that I was a woman with such a high ranking. Although this was apparent we never crossed paths with one another. It was like we had a silent friendship, but we didn't make it something real. I mean, we have talked on occasion, but it was only if we were ever around each other. Otherwise, we were pretty much ghosts to each other. It was probably because I was older and of higher ranking or something.

During the first stage of her initiation, she showed little progression day by day. Her physicality did not impress me whatsoever. However, even though she wasn't the toughest, she had the most determination out of everyone in that room. That's what drove her to make it through the first stage of the Dauntless process. Personally, I think that if she didn't win Capture the Flag, she would have been made Factionless.

The second stage was when I started to pay attention to her a lot more than I previously did. She was able to manipulate the simulation she was put against. For example: for one of her simulations she was put in a glass box. It took her about a minute to realize that the box was filling up with water at a quick pace. The first response was out of fear, banging on the class and calling for help. After a couple minutes, she started to look for a way to get out of it. Now, you would think that the best way to go was to find the pipe where the water was coming from and clog it with some sort of clothing. Not her.

The box filled with water to the top, leaving her submerged. Before she did anything, her face contorted in wonder, words also slipping from her mouth:

"This isn't real."

The next thing I knew, she was tapping on the glass, creating cracks each time she did. After a couple times, the pressure from the water helped to break through, shattering the glass.

How she did it?



I jumped before turning around to see Four standing in my doorway, amused by my startled state.

"What? Didn't expect someone like me to become startled?"

He shook his head, "Not really. You must have been pretty concentrated on whatever you were writing."

I nodded, standing up from my seat to face him.

"Did you guys figure it out?" I asked.

He nodded, "For now I will be in the control room, monitoring each time you go into his office to drop off the logs. If I see that there is something peculiar going on or it looks like you need help, I'll radio Lucas just to have him stay alert."

I nodded, "Sounds reasonable. Just took up more than an hour to figure that out."

A light chuckle came out of Four as he strode to be in front of me, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"When do you want to involve the others?" He whispered.

"Well it looks like to me that Tris is already somewhat involved, since we know that she is Divergent. We need to get her to think like a Dauntless initiate, and not like a Divergent."

"We'll figure that out," he said quickly. Maybe a little too quickly.

"Four, why are you so keen on helping Tris? Wouldn't you be against her since she is Divergent?"

Four looked at me with curious eyes, "I could say the same for you."

I pouted. Dammit, interrogation isn't my thing. That's why Lucas was a valuable partner to have. He knew how to be intimidating and ask the right questions. I just knew how to kick ass.

A light laugh sounded from Four. I felt his arms tighten their grip around my waist as he lifted his head to whisper in my ear.

"In time you will know."  

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