Chapter One- First Impression: Naive

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(The song does not pertain to the story line, just something appealing to listen to! Happy reading!)

"Well, if it isn't the famous duet: Lucas Reign and Adelaide "Popper" Foster! My name is Max, and I am the head figure of the Dauntless training facility," the man at his desk said, holding out his hand for us to shake.

I smiled and gladly shook it, "I guess we don't need to introduce ourselves. It is a pleasure to meet you,sir."

Baffled, Max replied, "Please, don't call me sir, call me Max."

I nodded.

"Please, take a seat."

My partner and I sat down, waiting for Max to get his paperwork off his desk and organized.

Max looked at us both with pride, "It is such an honor to have you guys here with us. Both of you have made such an achievement in the history of this Faction."

Lucas chuckled, "Thank you, Max. However, onto some business. Why exactly are we here?"

"You see," Max started, standing up and going to the window, "I needed a more diverse training staff. Yes, the instructors we have are some of the best, but there was something missing. A certain talent...from someone of a higher level. So, I requested for someone from the Special Corps, specifically you two. Why? Because both of you have achieved so much at such a young age, and I admire that about both of you. Plus, you both have a high skill level and are young, which may help make a better connection with the new initiates than some of the other leaders. Is this okay?"

Lucas looked at me to make the final answer.

I smiled, "We would be honored to help your disciples. All I ask of you is to allow Lucas and I a little time to get used to the new rules and system."

Max smiled, turning to face us, "Excellent! Take all the time you need!"

He looked at his watch for a brief moment, "It's time for lunch, so I will introduce you to everyone then. Enter the dining hall when your name is called. You are dismissed."

Lucas and I both took our leave, being led to the dining hall by a Dauntless guard.

"Are you sure you want to do this, popper?" Lucas asked, looking straight ahead.

"We'll be fine. Just think, we may be a significant influence for these kids. Why, you having second thoughts?"

Lucas shrugged, "No, I just want to make sure you were set on the objective at hand."

I nodded, only to welcome the silence once again. There was something behind Lucas's voice, like a sense of worry. I'll find out later.

Before we knew it we were standing in front of the doors to the hall. The guard turned to look toward us.

"Here we are. Now, enter in in the Dauntless attention form, and walk all the way down and make your way up onto the far table at the end and stand on it so everyone can see you. That is where Max will read off a series of major events/accomplishments each of you have achieved. It was a pleasure meeting both of you," the guard said before entering through the doors.

Lucas and I took a deep breath in, awaiting for our names to be called.

"Initiators, leaders and trainers, may I have your attention please!"

The room fell silent immediately.

"Today, we are truly blessed. I have requested an amazing opportunity for this year's' initiates, so don't mess it up. I have requested from the Secretary of the Dauntless Faction to allow two members of the Special Ops to come in help with training. Luckily my prayer was answered, and now we have the two most qualified members in the history of Dauntless working with us until initiation. First, I would like to introduce you to: Lucas Reign."

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