Chapter Thirty- Going as Planned

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I hadn't seen Four or Tris, and I was starting to worry. Were they dead? Alive? Did they escape? Stay behind? A million questions went through my head as Eric and I headed into Abnegation in Erudite cars, already seeing 'progress' being made.

Dauntless soldiers were piling out of the silver train cars, guns at attention. Some were being told directions, while others were barging into Abnegation homes, dragging the residents outside of their homes and pushing them up against grey walls. Men, women, children, grandparents... all being pushed around by our kind. Sickening. However, I had to ignore it and move on with what my main objective.

Eric and I stepped out of our cars and met up with Jeanine, who in which was looking around at what her 'glorious' plan became. She looked quite content, smiling when she saw Abnegation councilmen being pushed around and slammed into the concrete walls. She smiled even brighter when one of the councilmen was shot by Tori.

Sadistic was what she was. I think that if you look that word up in the dictionary, you would find a picture of Jeanine next to it. Along with synonyms such as power-hungry, bitch, and manipulator.

"Good morning you two," Jeanine said, nodding at the both of us.

"And to you too, Jeanine. Looks like it's coming along well," I said, biting my tongue.

"Indeed," she said. "Adelaide, I just want to let you know that I am really proud that you stayed with us."

I nodded and looked at her in the fakest happiness possible, "I am too."

She smiled lightly and walked back into one of the Abnegation homes that she confiscated, looking at all of the computers she brought from Erudite. It was only the start of her collection. She had another warehouse in Dauntless on the glass ceiling that had a bunch more, monitoring from computers far away.

I sighed as I continued to walk toward where Max was, seeing the corners of his mouth turned upward. A disgusting sight I must say.

As we were walking toward Max I noticed the familiar face I came to love. I quietly breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him and Tris, who was walking behind him, playing the part by holding their guns hard to their chest and keeping a poker face. And I knew he saw me because of the quick movement of his eyes studying my face.

I glanced over at Eric to see a smirk appear on his face as Four got closer and closer. Right then his hand snaked to grasp mine, pulling me along as if to show me off.

Eric stopped abruptly, making Four stop in his tracks, "The famous Four. The number-one ranked soldier, now a brainwashed being. I despise you. First, you took my ranking. Now, you want to take the girl I want most? Selfish bastard. But, now I have what's rightfully mine, and you'll be left with nothing."

I felt Eric's wet lips leave mark on my forehead. An involuntary shudder vibrated through my body, but I kept it together. I noticed the unnoticable jaw clench from Four. He better hope no one saw him do that.

Apparently Eric noticed suspiciously looking over his features.

"What?" Max questioned.

Eric didn't say anything.

"You think he's?"

"Only one way to find out."

Eric let go of my hand to grab the gun from his holster and pointed it right between Four's eyes.

"Now, I'm going to make sure you have nothing. Say goodbye asshole."


In an instant I heard the click of a gun from behind me. Turning around I saw Tris point her gun right at Eric, Eric's gun stayed pointed at Four, Four pointed his gun at Max, and Max and I had our guns pointed at Tris.

"Divergents? Both Stiffs?" Eric questioned laughing along with it.

"Eric," Max said.

"What? She won't do it," he said, looking over at Tris.

"You're underestimating my character," was all Tris said before Four punched Max in the face, which distracted Eric, giving Tris the advantage to shoot him in the knee.

As Eric went down, Tris tried to escape by running away. Before she could get anywhere, I grabbed her arm and twisted it, which made her loosen the grip on the gun and jerk towards me. While the gun fell I kicked her in the side, making her gasp and fall to the ground. I pointed my gun at her head while a brainwashed Dauntless grabbed her left arm before it could punch me in the stomach, and placed his right leg on her back. If he pulled hard enough, he could pop her shoulder out.

I looked behind me quickly to see Tori and Christina help Eric up, while Max and Will held down a defeated Four.

"Take them to Jeanine. I'm sure she will want them for something," I said, looking at Tris right in the eyes. Just as the Dauntless member grabbed Tris's right arm from my grasp, she looked at me as if I had betrayed the both of them. However, the look immediately went away when I winked at her, smiling a little as she was dragged off.

I turned around, giving Four a firm nod before he was also dragged off. He knew what was going on, so he played the extra part. Passing him I went over to Eric, seeing that he was already getting medical attention.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

He gruffly sighed, "Like I got shot."

I rolled my eyes, "Obviously."

"They took the bullet out and patched up the wound. One of the girls is looking to see if they have a numbing serum that would suppress the pain until the end of today."

I nodded, "Do you want me to stay?"

Eric sighed, "Go to Jeanine. Make sure those Stiffs stay put, or make sure they go where ever Jeanine wants them to go. I'll be waiting for you."

I smiled before turning around and walking toward the house Jeanine currently occupied.

My plan was going along smoothly.   

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