Chapter Twenty- Reality of it All

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I looked at myself in the mirror, placing my hair on the crown of my head. I always hated how my hair would sometimes look like a straightening disaster whenever I put it up. There would be some parts that were curly, while other parts would be somewhat straighter than the other curls. How it happens, I will never know. I dressed myself in my usual attire: black half-tank top, jacket, jogging pants and combat boots.

The last days of the second stage flew by, and now the start of the third stage has commenced. I couldn't be there on the first day, since I had to go to a follow up meeting with Eric. The main point of the meeting was to conclude whether there was a way for the Divergents to be controlled. Due to my father not being able to make it to the meeting, it would only consist of the Dauntless leaders and myself.

To be honest I wasn't excited to encounter Jeanine again. The first meeting I went to ended on not-so-good terms, and with a slap on the face. Speaking of which, the day after Eric told me that there was no way I could back out of the deal I made with him and Max, I received a letter from my father.


I just want to apologize for the way I acted towards you at the meeting and the unneeded slap after it. I am ashamed that I slapped my own daughter who was just voicing her opinion that should have been said. I don't expect you to forgive me now. However, I want to tell you that I have taken some of your opinions you voiced into consideration and have been talking about them with Brian, Killian, and Seersha. I hope we can meet up again soon, and forgive and forget for the wrongdoings.

-Your Father

After reading the letter I had mixed feelings about the note. A part of me believed him, since I knew that my dad had always been soft towards me after we had a harsh debate. And he would also apologize whenever he knew he did something wrong. On the other hand, I felt as if the letter was forced and that he wanted to use it as leverage to entice me to go along with Jeanine's plan. My father did agree with most of Jeanine's views after all, so the note could mean anything.


Eric and I strolled through countless hallways before we reached our destination. The 'conference room' we were to be using for this meeting was actually Max's office.

When we walked through the white door, I noticed Jeanine standing at the head of Max's desk, motioning us to sit in one of the six chairs that were lined up in a row. As I looked straight ahead I noticed a silver, metal table that was tipped in an upright position. There were three long leather straps that buckled across the table. I involuntarily shivered, reminiscing on when I had to go through a torture segment while training to be in Special Ops. That was not the best part of training.

I looked aimlessly, only to be met by Jeanine's cold gaze. She was wearing a similar outfit from the first meeting, except she wore a blue pencil skirt that stopped at her knees instead of blue dress pants. Her hands were crossed in front, holding a blue file labeled Test Results.

Her lips formed a fake smile, "Good morning to the both of you. Adelaide, I'm surprised you've come back."

I nodded, playing her game, "Well, I took your advice and discussed the terms with Eric, and now I believe I fully understand the benefits of the plan. I am sorry for not recognizing them at an earlier time."

Oh I hope that she doesn't try the truth serum on me, because every word that came out of my mouth was complete bullshit.

However, it looked like she bought it, since she smiled as if she had power over me, "That's quite alright. Everyone usually freaks out about it on the first day. The fact that you understand the terms now is quite grand."

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