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Four stood outside of a closed-off room, looking through a small window that only gave him limited sight of what was in it. From what he could tell, there wasn't anything special about it. The only significance it held was that it was the only place that was restricted to most of the Amity citizens.

It's been a month. A long, strangling month since they had escaped the falling out of the Dauntless faction. There were no updates on what happened right after the disaster. Not a single word had reached Amity about the event, and the escapees believed that that's how Jeanine wanted to keep it. The Dauntless refugees knew that they were going to be hunted down soon enough. The march was not over, and Jeanine would come around sooner or later in order to continue her conquest.

"You've been standing in the same spot for a while now," Johanna said softly, taking a stance next to him.

Four sighed, "Can you blame me?"

Johanna lightly chuckled, "I guess not."

An unfamiliar feeling radiated off of Four as he looked through the glass. Was it worry? Dread? Heart break? Whatever the case, it was picking at his brain. It confused him, worried him even.

"I guess you're not used to the feeling, are you?"

Four glanced at Johanna, "I don-"

"Don't lie to me," she said sharply. "It's noticeable from a mile away."

Four huffed. "Do you think she will be okay?"

"It's hard to tell," Johanna said. "Ariana did the best that she could. She was able to get the bullet out of her chest. It was concluded that the bullet nearly entered into the lateral chamber of her heart. Unless her body is able to produce all the blood she lost with what we are giving her, she will not be waking up anytime soon.Now all we can do is hope and pray for some sort of recovery."

"I thought Amity was supposed to be all smiles," Four said in a slightly joking manner.

"Sometimes the truth can't be covered in a time of despair. Right now, only time will tell. If I were you, I'd go get some rest and let us worry about her."

Four sighed at Johanna's wiseness, "Alright, but if there is a sign of her waking up, I want to know right away."

The short woman smiled as he walked away, "Of course."


The plan had somewhat come to a close. Now it was a matter of finding what Jeanine was looking for. All Eric knew was that it was some sort of artifact. An artifact that was obviously important to her.

"Eric! Eric!" a distant voice shouted as he strolled into the home of the Prior's.

He sighed in frustration, "What?"

Max came up from behind him, "I've got some bad news for you."


"Adelaide is missing, and may be potentially dead."

Eric's breath hitched when he heard the word 'dead'.

"How?" He questioned in a rush.

"The sniper that we had in the abandoned building to watch the trains drive by caught Four and Adelaide standing by the door of a train car they occupied. He aimed at Four, only to see that after he shot, Adelaide pushed him out of the way and took the hit."

"Huh," Eric said while turning around and stroking through his hair. All he could do was focus on the grey walls in front of him, one of them having a gaping hole in the middle of it.

"Do we know where they took her?"

"We think that they might have taken her to Amity. Otherwise, there is

no other explanation whereas she might be."

Eric sighed and shook his head, rubbing what seemed to be the slightest tear from the lid of his eye."

"Well, I should thank her."


"Because she just left me a job opening. Dauntless Special Ops, here I come."

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