Chapter 5

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Reader's POV


I tried to stifle the yawn as I walked down the street but failed. I was thoroughly exhausted no doubt about it. Being up since midnight was taking its toll. Then going from store to store all morning didn't help either.

'I need more coffee.'  I observed inside my head.

Currently, I'm in the middle of 'guiding' Akashi around town. Who knew that the Emperor had a secret reputation of getting lost? Which is why he forced me to come with him to bring him to each store he needed. It was nice to know that such a perfect boy wasn't all that perfect.

I looked at my watch to see the time. Almost noon, crap.

"Hey Akashi-san are we almost done?" I glance at him as I spoke. He was walking beside me as I carried the bags of stuff he bought.

He signed. "I had a feeling you were about to ask that."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I put my defensive mode on.

"Well the fact that you told your Mom that you wanted to be home by now is one thing. Then that yawn you just gave off shows how tired you are." I glare at him as he spoke. The bags under my eyes made the glare that much more scary and if it was shown to anyone other than Akashi they'd be turn tailing and running.

"Well I wonder who's fault it is that I'm tired." I stopped walking and put my hands on my hips staring at the stoic faced teen. The sound of a horn blaring was heard in the background as I said this.

"Hm? Did you say something?" Akashi smirks.

Grr! he's been doing this all morning. Why is it this guy can make me so mad? Usually I'm able to keep up a good face, but for some odd reason this guy jumbles up all the feelings I close up deep inside me.

"Forget it! I'm done!" I threw the bags on the ground and stormed my way home. The furious aura I was emitting made many people step out of the way as I walked down the street.

I was just about to turn the corner when someone roughly grabbed my shoulder forcing me to turn around. My eyes met with hetero-chromatic ones. I scowl. "What?"

Akashi takes my hands and drags me to an alley way. Once we're in the alley he lets go of my hand. His back is facing me so I have no idea what he's thinking.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Because I need to punish you for your attitude." He turns around to look at me. His eyes were as cold as ice. I subconsciously shiver at the coldness in them.

He rushes over to me making me take many steps back until my back collided with the wall behind me. I had no way of escape. Coming up to me, Akashi slams his hands on either side of my head. I close my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at his cold gaze anymore. I was so scared for my life that I was trembling in fear. Tears were threatening to burst out of my closed eyes.

"(Y/N) open your eyes and look at me when I speak."Akashi's breath tickled my face as he spoke. I started to feel more nervous than scared now.

I slowly open my eyes and look into Akashi's hetero-chromatic eyes. The tears that had accumulated on the edges of my eyes trickled down my cheeks. Akashi's gaze softened and he took one of his hands and gently put it on my cheek and began to wipe my tears away.

"I didn't mean to scare you so bad, so please don't cry." He said in the most kind voice I had ever heard from him. His eyes had such a gentleness to them that it made me want to cry even more. I refrained from the urge to though.

"Okay" my voice cracked as I spoke.

Akashi smiled, like really smiled. His eyes somehow got an even more gentle than before. It made my heart skip a beat because of how adorable he looked. What is this feeling I'm experiencing?

Akashi's POV

I went after (Y/N) to tell her she didn't have the right to speak to me in such a way. I was furious. Then when I saw her tremble because of my very presence it somehow hurt. Seeing her react in such a way pulled my heart strings that I forgot I even had. Then when I saw the tears go down her cheeks I regretted the way I treated her. It was the first time in my life I had ever regretted anything.

"I'm s-sorry. I don't know what I did but I'm sorry." She stuttered with a far away look. My hands moved on their own as they cupped her cheeks. Her eyes darted to mine. They still had fresh tears in them.

'Why are her tears making me react in such a way. I feel like my world has been flipped upside down.'

"No you didn't do anything. I just let my anger take over." The next words that came out of my mouth surprised even me, let alone (Y/N). "I-I....I'm s-sorry" my lips felt weird as I muttered those two words.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen in surprise. Her hand came up to my forehead. "Are you okay Akashi-san?"

Ouch that hurt. "Yes." My hands fell from her face returning to my side.

Her surprised face was replaced with a confused one. "You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure the Akashi I know would never apologize for something he did."

"Your right about that." I grip my chest as my heart starts feeling weird. "This has to be the first time in my life I've ever apologized for something. It feels......strange." I'm sure I was making a face just as confused as her's.

(Y/N) burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" I stare at the laughing beauty in front of me.

"YOU FACE! IT'S HILARIOUS! OMW! If your fangirls could see you now." She put her hands over her mouth as the realization hit her. She kept on laughing. The once trembling girl had turned into a new obnoxious laughing hyena.

"You just had to bring up the fangirls?" I roll my eyes.

"S-sorry I couldn't help it! I just had to." She wiped the tears from her eyes as she tried to stop laughing.

"Okay, okay you've had your fun" I put my hand across my face and shake my head. 'This girl I tell you there's something different about her.'

She smiled sweetly at me.

*doki doki*

I clench my chest once again as my heart started beating faster. My cheeks started heating up also. 'What is this feeling?'

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