Chapter 8

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Reader's POV

After a long flight and car ride we finally arrived at our destination. It was a huge cottage with a deck in the front and back. The perfect place to have your morning coffee that's for sure. Outside the cottage were trees, trees, and more trees. Though it was located by a lake and a beautiful one at that. When we arrived the moon was out and it reflected on the water creating such a lovely scene.

I sat in the car and gawked at the beauty of it. I had never seen such a sight.

"You coming?" Akashi asked in an irritated voice. He had one eye closed as he stared down at me from outside the car.

"O-Oh right." I quickly grabbed my purse and took the hand Akashi held out without thinking. "T-Thank you." I let go of his hand as soon as I'm out of the car, but I still feel the lingering touch of his hand holding mine.

"Let's go then." He impatiently said walking toward the cottage. I hurried to catch up to him and walked into the cottage. The interior of the building was a wooden cabin one. It had two stories and a basement. Upstairs was the bedrooms where Akashi and I would be sleeping, in separate rooms mind you, and on ground level was the living room, dining room, kitchen, and the servants' rooms.

"Welcome back Akashi-sama." One of the maids greets us at the door.

Akashi ignores her and just takes off his shoes. He neatly puts them on the shoe rack. I follow suit, not wanting to look out of place.

I look at the maid who just greeted us and she seemed a little surprised seeing me. "W-Who is this Akashi-sama?" She stuttered.

He glances my way and answers, "Oh that's (L/N) (Y/N), she's my entertainment for the time being."

'Entertainment?' A vein pops out on my forehead and my hand balls up into a fist as I try to hold in my annoyance.

"N-Nice to meet you." I say in an angry voice as give her a fake smile since I'm still annoyed at Akashi. Akashi smirks at me. "What are you smirking at?" I glare at him.

"Nothing. Follow me." He demands as he turns around and heads upstairs. I send another glare his way before following.

'Grrr he makes me so mad ordering me around like that!'

But it's not like I can really help it though. I have my life to worry about.

We stop in front of two wooden doors. "That will be your room." Akashi motions to the one on the left.

"Okay." I start to open its door when Akashi suddenly stops me. I look at him with an annoyed face.

"Did I dismiss you?" He said in a teasing voice.

"No..." I raise an eyebrow.

"I didn't think so." He smirked. He grabs onto my wrist and pulls me into his room.

Inside Akashi takes off his jacket as I just stand in the doorway awkwardly. What can I say it was the first time in my life that I've been inside of a boy's room.

"W-What do you want with me?" I raise my chin as I look at Akashi with a defying look.

Akashi smirks yet again and motions to the couch by the window. "I wanted to play a game of shogi."

"Huh?" I look at him like he's gone insane. "Why would you drag me into your room just to play shogi?"

He smirks and asks in a teasing tone. "What were you expecting something more entertaining?" I blush extremely hard as I get what he was hinting.

"WHAT?!?! NOOO!!" I exclaimed and he chuckled at me. It was that first time I'd heard him chuckle and it sounded like music to my ears. Wait....No I did not just say that. "Anyway I've never played shogi in my life so why bother." I change the subject.

"No problem. I'll just teach you." He walks over to the couch and sits down. He takes the shogi board out from under the coffee table and starts setting it up. I sneak my way over to the recliner chair across from Akashi.

Akashi starts telling me the point of the game and how to play. For a while it didn't make sense, but after a few games I stated getting the hang of it.


"Hah I win!" I boast as I finally won against him. Akashi looked at me, surprise written all over his face.

"B-beginners luck." He said crossing his arms and looking away from me.

"Ohoow are you a sore loser." I tease.

"What was that?" He set his cold eyes on me. At times like these I had a hard time keeping myself from shivering in fear.

"N-Nothing, nothing at all." I wave my hands out in surrender. However, he wasn't buying it, but thankfully a maid came and knocked on the door telling us it was time for dinner.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I seriously thought I was about to die there.

"Don't think we're finished." Akashi whispers in my ear before standing up and walking out the door.


I'm dead aren't I?

I slowly make my way to the dining room, because I didn't feel like seeing the cold Emperor after what he said. I kept on thinking of what he was going to do to me after supper as I walked into the room. At my arrival there was an impatient Akashi sitting at the head of the table.

"What took you so long?"

"E-etto...." I didn't know what to say so I just sit down in the seat farthest from him. I didn't want to tell him it was because I was a little bit scared of him.

"And who said you could sit so far away?" He stares at me with a raised eyebrow.

"N-No one" I stutter. He stares at me expecting me to move I guess.

"Well? Are you going to come sit next to me or not?" He demands.

"Y-Yes." I mutter getting up from the chair I was sitting in and then sat down next to Akashi. "Happy?" I look at him with an annoyed look.

He was about to say something in response but at that moment the servants came in and served us our dinners. It looked so delicious! Like it was from a five star restaurant or something!

I took a bite and almost died for the second time today. It was heavenly! The best food I've ever tasted!

"Is it that good?" Akashi asked breaking me away from my dreamland.

"Yes! It's delicious!" I sang and smile happily at him with my eyes closed. Little did I know that my smile made his heart skip a beat. And if my my eyes had been open at that moment I would have seen a rare sight. Akashi Seijuro blushing.

A/N: so there's that. I hope you liked it! Next is Akashi's POV!

Until then

Ja ne minna-san!

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