Chapter 6

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A/N: so how's the story going so far? I feel so happy that so many people are reading it (^▽^)

Reader's POV

It's been a few days since the outing I had with Akashi. I was still surprised at his actions at that time. He actually apologized for making me cry. I have never heard of him ever doing that before. At school he's made many brokenhearted girls cry and thought nothing of it. Yet when I cried in front of him he apologized. Why?

I was thinking of an answer when the café's bell rang, telling me there was a customer. I twirled around in my maid uniform to greet the customer. And yes, I work at a maid café.

"Welcome back Master!" I put on my best close-eyed smile.

"Pfff" I hear a boy snort. I open my eyes and freeze. Standing there with his perfectly messy red hair and his hand over his mouth as he laughed, is none other than Akashi Seijuro himself.

I try to act like I would for any other customer and directed him to a table. "What would you like today Master?" I regretfully ask the red head who had a teasing look on his face.

"You (Y/N)....." His said teasingly.

I blush at his comment, but continued. It wasn't the first time someone had said that to me at work but for some odd reason having Akashi say it made me feel weird. It seems like ever since I saw him smile that day my heart goes doki doki just by the thought of him.

"I recommend today's special." I somehow managed to say.

Akashi didn't seem impressed with my reply but ordered the special anyways. I went out back to the kitchen and told the cook the order and then went back out to the front. I took a few more orders before Akashi's was done.

"Sorry for the wait Master," I set the parfait in front of the red head.

"Thank you (Y/N)-chan" He said grabbing the glass from the table.

'(Y/N)-chan?' I thought.

He then turned to me. "Would you mind sitting with me? I have something to ask of you." He asked in a gentle voice.

'Wow, who is this and what have you done with the real Akashi?'

Too stunned to speak I sit down, or rather, flop into the seat opposite of his. "W-What is it?" I croak.

He stared at me for a little while as he ate his parfait. After swallowing he continued. "Well I was thinking of a way to say...s-sorry to you about yesterday. I came up with the idea last night. I want you to accompany me to one of my parent's vacation homes. And by the way you cannot refuse because I already booked your flight." He stated.


Akashi saw my confused look and sighed before explaining in further detail. "As an...a-apology for making you cry the other day, I want to bring you to one of my parent's vacation houses."

"Oh." I was too dumbfounded to say anything else.

"I already got your mother's permission and told your boss that you'll be away so I'll be picking you up in the morning. Be ready by 6." He said before putting a spoonful of parfait in his mouth.

I just stared at him as he ate because I didn't know what else to do. Thankfully the café's bell rang again calling me back to work.

"Welcome back Master!" I curtsied to the new costumer.


It was after working hours and I was walking home. The sun had set hours ago so I walked with the guidance of the street lights. I took out my phone in order to listen to music out loud. I normally do when I get nervous in the dark.

After a while I start hearing footsteps behind me. I thought nothing of it at first but when I turned to another street, they followed. I quickened my steps as I start to panic.

'Don't tell me it's a stalker.' I tighten the grip on my purse.

Thankfully as I turn the corner their was a convenience store. How convenient. I quickly rushed inside. While inside I try to calm my nerves as I look around the store. Anything to distract myself.

'W-What should I do? I don't know of anyone who can come and get me.'

I was trembling as I was thinking of these panicked thoughts when a certain red head had made his way over to me.

"(Y/N)?" I jumped when someone tapped my shoulder from behind.

"Ah! A-Akashi-san!" I was surprised to see him out so late and in a convenience store at that. "W-What are you doing here?"He stared at me blankly.

"I could ask you the same thing. You shouldn't be out so late at night." He sighed. "You're a girl after all." He scolded me.

"Haha yeah I just got off from work." I explained scratching the back of my head with trembling hands.

"Still that's no excuse." He muttered under his breath. " Anyway are you okay?" He suddenly asks in a gentle voice while looking me straight in the eye. My eyes widen as I stare at his. They were so gentle.

I avert my gaze and answer, "Y-Yeah why do you ask?" I tuck some hair behind my ear. The gentleness in his eyes puzzled me.

"Because your hands are trembling." He reached out and took my hands into his. My heart pretty much died from the physical contact, but thankfully it didn't show on my face. "What's wrong?" He asked bringing his face closer to mine.

"N-Nothing." I shake my head, trying not to stutter but failed.

"I don't believe you (Y/N)." He spoke in a low voice, squinting his eyes down at me.

"I said it's nothing alright! Geez!" I turn away from his gaze trying to conceal my emotions.

Akashi straightened and peered down at me with his heterochromatic eyes. It felt as though he could see right into my very soul. I gulped loudly.

"Fine if your not going to tell me then you'll just have to come with me." He said as he dragged me out of the store. My eyes darted around the perimeter and I noticed someone standing in the shadows on the other side of the street. His face was hidden, but I had a feeling he was the one that was stalking me. I involuntarily shiver and quickly look away. Instead I focus on following Akashi as he dragged me towards his limo.

The driver stepped out of the car and opened the door for Akashi and me. "Get in." Akashi hissed to me. I gladly comply since I didn't want him to get any more mad. I didn't know what he had pissed him off, but it was quite evident that he was. I sat next to Akashi as we somewhat enjoyed an awkwardly silent car ride home.
A/N: So I know the whole stalker thing is kind of cliche, but I thought it'd be cute to see Akashi so worried.

Anyways please leave a comment and tell me how you're liking the story so far! (^_^)

Until next time,

Ja ne minna!

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