Chapter 13

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Reader's POV

I stare at my phone's calendar on the verge of crying when I notice what the following day was. I couldn't believe that I had almost forgot about that day. The day I'll never forget in my life. The day that-

"(Y/N) I was thinking we could-" Akashi stops mid sentence when I raise my gaze to his. He must have seen the tears that were trying to escape. "Are you okay?" He asks coming over and sitting on the bed next to me. His expression was one of worry as he looked at me.

"Ye-ah I-I'm fine." I croak as I wipe the un-shed tears from my eyes. Great he's definitely not going to buy that.

"(Y/N)..." Akashi says with worry. I look away from his gaze, hugging myself, afraid I would actually tell him what was wrong. It was weird because I've never wanted to tell anyone about that day my entire life, until now.

"It's nothing okay." I say as normal as I could. I look back at him then with a blank look. "What was it that you wanted to say?"

Akashi's POV

As I look into (Y/N)'s eyes I could see no emotions. They were empty. Like mine were before I met her. No spark of life was present as I stared into them.

There was definitely something wrong and I'm going to find out one way or another.

"....." I blink a couple of times before sighing in defeat. I guess I'll wait until she's ready to tell me. I don't want to force her.

~ Back to Reader's POV ~

Akashi stared at me for awhile then sighs in defeat.

'Wow he's actually admitting defeat.' If I was in a better mood I probably would have teased him about it.

"I was thinking we could go down to the lake after lunch then have a camp fire after dinner." He finally states.

"Oh okay. That sound good to me." Anything to get my mind off of what tomorrow is.

"You sure your okay?" He asks laying his hand on top of mine, which was still gripping my phone.

The almost caring way he said that made a warm feeling envelope me. I look up into his beautiful heterochromatic eyes and melted. Like literally.

This is why I fell so deeply for him. He was gorgeous on the inside and out. Even if he gave off that absolute aura, on the inside he was actually a really nice guy.

"I'm sure." I smile at him reassuringly. I bring my right hand up to grip Akashi's on my left.

He didn't buy it though, but he did let it slide. Thank God!

"Fine." He says giving up. "We'll go down to the lake after lunch then."

I look at my watch. It was only 10:30. I frown. What am I supposed to do to keep my mind busy until then?

*light bulb! *

"Wait!" I say as Akashi moves to leave, but before he does I grab onto his shirt. He looks at me surprised at my gesture. I blush at my bold move but I really didn't want to be alone right now. I'd probably start crying as soon as he left.

"What is it (Y/N)?" Akashi asks in a gentle voice.

"Ah I was wondering if...we a picnic lunch instead." I look down in embarrassment.

I look up when he doesn't reply. He was smiling so warmly that I almost had a heart attack from how  cute he looked.

"Sure we can do that." He says so kindly that it almost makes me wonder if he returns my feelings.

I internally slap myself for even thinking that. It was impossible. Why would Akashi Seijuro ever have feelings for a nobody like me? I mean I'm weird, not pretty in the least, and I'm not popular at all.

"I'll tell the cooks to get a basket ready for us." He squeezes my hand before letting it go. He then stands up and looks back at me.

I was kind of disappointed with the absence of his hand and the fact that I had wanted to make the food myself. I miss my simple lunch after a week of the fancy stuff we've been having.

"Is that not okay?" Akashi asks at my disappointed face.

"W-Well if it's not too much of a bother, I was wondering if it'd be alright for me to cook lunch for us?" I ask not looking at him. If I had been I would have seen a mixture of surprise and happiness in Akashi's expression as he looked at me.

"Sure that won't be a bother at all. I'll just give the cooks the afternoon off. How about that?" He says looking at me.

"Okay!" I smile and he returns it. Man do I love that smile. Almost to a point of it being sinful.

"Come on then." He says grabbing my hand and dragging me out of my room and down the stairs. We stop in the kitchen where the cooks have just started on lunch. Oops.

At the sight of Akashi they all stop what they were doing. "Everyone today is your lucky day." Akashi says making everyone look at each other in worry. Couldn't blame them because Akashi was acting kind of weird. "You all have the rest of the day off thanks to (Y/N)." He gestures to me, making me feel uncomfortable when they all looked at me. " Don't worry you'll still be paid." He finishes dryly.

You can only imagine the cooks' expressions. They were completely shocked into silence.

"You heard me now get." Akashi says impatiently when no one made a move. At that the cooks quickly put what they were doing away and got out of the kitchen. "Alright (Y/N) the kitchen's yours. Use whatever you like. I'll be in the living room so if you need anything holler." He points behind him to where the living room is.

"Okay." I didn't know what else to say.
He then walks out, probably to the living room like he said.

"Now what to make?" I mutter to myself before I set out to cook our lunch.

A / N : Here's the newest chapter for you. I got it done earlier than expected. YAY!!!

So until next time

Ja ~ ne minna-san!

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