Chapter 17

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Warning Akashi may appear a little OOC. I've been having a major Captain Levi fangirling faze, so Akashi may accidently act like him. Hopefully I didn't make him too bad.....

Anyways~ Enjoy!!
Reader's POV

There was only one week left of Summer and of course it had to be raining. Boo, I hate the rain!

So Akashi and I have been stuck inside doing nothing, well mostly nothing. At least compared to that kiss that happened a few weeks ago we've done nothing. And we haven't done anything like that since. No...instead he's been forcing me to play shogi with him. Surprisingly I've won a few games. Hah! so much for beginers luck eh Akashi?

We were currently playing like the 20th game today when an amazing thought occurred to me.

"Ne, Akashi?" I say smiling brightly at the redhead.

"What?" He asks, raising his eyebrow in question.

"Let's go outside!" I know I said I hated the rain, but come on! It was 100% better than being stuck inside all day.

"No." Was all he said before going back to the game at hand.

'Fine be that way.' I thought, crossing my arms.

"Fine I'll go outside myself!" I say getting up from the chair I was sitting in. Akashi looks up at me a little surprised as I made my way out of his room. "Have fun playing shogi by yourself~!" I sing over my shoulder as I hold my hand up in farewell.

I skip down the flight of stairs and grab my rain coat before racing out of the door. I felt amazingly hyper and childish. Probably all the coffee I've had today made me that way. I mean I did have like seven cups.

Outside I started singing 'Singing in the Rain' while I dance around looking like a fool. I was definitely high on caffeine.

"Oi, (Y/N) what do you think you're doing?" Akashi yells from the doorway. I look over at him with a grin plastered on my face. He had his arms crossed and he didn't look all that impressed.

My grin widens as a thought flashed through my brain.

I quickly scramble over to Akashi, who thankfully had shoes on,  and drag him outside with me. I then make him dance around with me, giggling all the while. Mostly because of Akashi's shocked expression that soon softened to a smile. Damn, that made my heart pound!

Akashi's POV

What came over (Y/N)  I have no idea, but I liked it. She was the happiest I've ever seen her. Her eyes lit up like fireworks as she danced around with the pouring rain. I couldn't help but laugh along with her.

Why did she insist that we do this in the rain though? I hate the rain.

I still couldn't believe that this girl dancing around in front of me acting like a kid could actually beat me in shogi. And not because of some beginners luck.

She was extraordinary that's for sure, which is probably why I fell in love with her. But sadly I can't have her. Not yet anyway. Not after what Father told me the other day.

"Hey Akashi are you okay?" (Y/N) asks, bringing her face really close to mine. I had to stop myself from bending down and closing the gap.

"Nnn...yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I ramble. She looks at me, not sure if she believes me or not.

"Well for one you don't seem yourself and two you've been spacing out a lot lately." She states. It amazes me that she's able to tell when I'm not myself.

"I guess it won't hurt to tell you." I sigh. "My Father called the other day saying he has some work for me to do." I say somewhat being truthful.

"Oh I see!" She exclaims.

'My word, what is up with her? She being more expressive than usual.'

"Now let me ask you. Are you okay?" I sternly ask her.

"Ya!" She giggles.

"...." I look at her deadpanned. "Your acting drunk."

"Oh!" She puts a hand over her mouth to cover her outburst of laughter. "That's because I had like seven cups of coffee and all that caffeine is affecting me!" She says between her laughs. I give her a worried look. "Aw~ don't you look adorable!" She says pinching my cheeks.

'What is going on?'

She kept giggling over stuff I couldn't even begin to understand. "I'm not cute." I say to her rather sternly.

"Sure you aren't." She says sarcastically, putting her hands on her hips. I bring one of my hands up to massage my cheeks that she had been pinching.

Then the unexpected happened. 

She grabbed hold of my hand that was rubbing my face to pull me closer to herself. Catching me off guard, she goes on her tip toes and collides her lips with mine in a soft, yet passionate kiss.

She pulled away just as soon as it started, leaving me flustered. I could already feel the heat accumulating on my cheeks as I looked down at that girl in front of me. She was grinning at me smugly like she was proud that she made me blush. She was still holding my hand so I took my other one and wiped my lips to hide my bright red cheeks.

"See! I told you! You're adorable." She says with the grin still on her face.

"S-Shut up.." I mumble, still a little affected by the kiss that she initiated.

Finally I compose myself and turn my attention back to (Y/N), who was still smiling away.

'It's payback time.' I smirk.

"You better be prepared for a punishment then." I say in the most intimidating voice I could muster. Didn't work much, because she was looking at me with stars in her eyes.

'Is she a Masochist or something?' Was my only thought as I brought my face ever so closer to hers.

This kiss was different than the one we just shared and the one from a few weeks ago. This one, she actually was putting all her feelings into it. Not wanting to wait any longer, I lick her bottom lip and ask for entrance. This time she obeys and I slip my tongue into her mouth, claiming what I want as mine.

My hand that she was holding quickly lost her grip, giving me the chance to slip my hands down her sides to rest on her hips. She let out a soft moan as I squeezed her waist a little. This made me want her all the more, but I held myself back because I needed air. I reluctantly pull away from the sweet taste of (Y/N)'s lips, both of us breathing hard.

"I could get used to that kind of punishment." (Y/N) whispered, giggling, as she tried to get her normal breathing back. I give her a small smile while I shook my head.

"Masochist." I mutter. She shrugs.

"Anyway! We should probably get back inside before we catch a cold. Okay?" (Y/N) exclaims breaking away from my embrace.

"Who's idea was it to be out here in the rain in the first place?" I dryly ask as she pulled my by the hand towards the house.

"Minor details." She rolls her eyes.

I have to say, I like this new, caffeinated (Y/N).


A/N: SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO UPDATE!!!! I've been suffering from writing block for a while. And I've been trying to finish one of my other Fanfics, which is done. So now I can pay more attention to this one! I hope you liked it!

Until next time

Ja~ne minna-san!

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