Chapter 21

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~Completed in September of 2015~
Reader's POV

I was sitting on the swing at the park as I listened to Allen talk about himself. Apparently he was adopted and doesn't have any siblings.

"So Allen, how has your first year of teaching gone so far?" Yeah did I forget to mention that this is his first year teaching? Well now you know.

"Pretty good actually. Took awhile for me to get the hang of keeping the students attention, but I think I'm doing better." He answers sincerely.

"That's good! I know how nervous you were at the beginning." I smile at him.

At that moment we hear a plane take off from the airport nearby. I look up and watch it rise into the sky, wondering where its destination was.

"( Y/N)?" I hear someone's surprised and deep voice in front of me. I adjust my gaze to look at the person who spoke. I freeze.

Standing there with a black business suit with a deep red dress shirt underneath and a matching black tie, was Akashi Seijuro. His hair was still the same length as it was the last day I saw him and his captivating heterochromatic eyes were staring straight into my very soul.

"Akashi-kun....." I mutter almost breathless as I felt the spark ignite between us.

"Do you know him, (Y/N)?" Allen, who was still sitting next to me, asks.

Akashi looks over at him with a cold glare. Jealousy was an obvious emotion in his eyes.

I turn my attention back at the silver haired male beside me. "Yes I know him. We went to school together in high school." I say as all the memories from that summer came rushing into my mind. I couldn't help but smile from the bottom of my heart.

'I'm sorry Allen. I still love him. There's no way that there's going to be an us.'

I knew that Allen had feelings for me that's why I felt so torn. I really didn't want to break his heart, but I'd be breaking mine more if I didn't take this moment to talk to Akashi.

"Oh." Somehow that one word was filled with so much pain. It was too late. I already hurt him.

"I'm sorry." I speak only loud enough for Allen to hear me. He nods and stands to his feet.

"I expect you can take her home then?" He asks almost coldly to Akashi and I wonder if he even understood what he said. I mean we are in America. We speak English here.

"Of course I will. My chauffeur is waiting for me." He replies in perfect English. And can I say it sounded dawn sexy with his voice.

After Allen leaves we both sit at the swings in an almost awkward silence.

"So-" We both begin.

"You go ahead." I say, not entirely sure what I really wanted to say.

"First off. Who was he?" He asks, jealousy and annoyance coating his voice.

"Who? Allen? He's a coworker of mine and Mom kinda wanted me to go out with him for the night. Since I haven't really dated since that summer." I confess and I'm not sure why exactly I felt I had to tell him that last bit, but oh well. Too late to take back now.

He nods in understanding. Guess he knows how I still can't refuse anything Mom asks of me.

"Why didn't you call?" He then asks the dreaded question out of no where. Crap.

"I don't know. I guess I was too worried about Mom and school that I didn't have the time to." I answer shrugging my shoulders.

He nods again at my reply. "You know, I could never forget about you." He says in a soft voice. I look at him with wide eyes. "It's true. My Father even tried to get me to marry a girl that I didn't even love, but I fought him the whole way. It was just last year that he finally decided to give up."

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