Chapter 12

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Reader's POV

"WHAT?!" I yell in Akashi's face.

"I said we're not leaving until summer vacation is over, so you can go put your luggage back upstairs." Akashi states, arms crossed, as he stands in front of the door. His eyes were daring me to even try passing him.

"OH MY WORD! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" I angrily grumble/yell as I stomp my way up the stairs, dragging my luggage behind me.

It was Friday, exactly one week since we came here. Last night I had stayed up packing my stuff, thinking we'd be leaving this morning. But no, we're staying the whole freakin' summer! What a way to waste my summer!

Entering 'my' room, I throw my luggage against the wall in anger. I then plop myself on the bed and take out my cell. I swipe to contacts and tap the one named 'Mom' and dialed it.

"Hello sweetie!" Mom's sweet voice is heard on the other end.

"What the hell is going on?" I sternly ask.

"Oh...hah.....I guess Akashi-kun finally told you then, huh?" She says in a somewhat guilty voice.

"No...Not at all." I answer sarcastically. Sorry I'm not normally like this when talking with Mom, but I was thoroughly pissed.

I hear mom sigh on the other end."I knew you weren't going to like it." She mumbles.

"Then why did you agree with Akashi-san?!"

"Actually, to tell you the truth the whole idea was mine. Haha." Mom confesses.

"What?! What in the blue blazes were you thinking?!" I practically yell. "You never know what Akashi might do to me!" I run my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Well in my opinion, as long as you use protection it's all good. Right?" She states as if nothing she said was wrong.

"MOM! How could you say that?" I yell blushing really hard.

'What's going on in that brain of her's?' I thought to myself.

"Hehe I was young once too you know." She giggles.

I shake my head in disbelieve. "I can't believe you just gave me, your daughter, permission to do 'it'." I mumble. Okay, so yeah, I've never had a boyfriend before, but that doesn't mean she could be all chillax about it. Not that Akashi and I are dating or anything. Wait now that I think about it, I guess he did kind of ask that the other day and I was forced to agree. I almost forgot about that.

"Only with Akashi-kun." She says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Wait. What?" Is she saying what I think she is?

"I was clarifying your last statement by saying 'Only with Akashi-kun'" She says dryly.

"What? Are you crazy?" I say when I realize what she was implying, causing me to blush again.

"No, I'm not crazy. I just want my ship to sail."She says in a bubbly voice.

"What ship?" I reluctantly ask.

'Don't tell me....'

"You and Akashi-kun." She says happily crushing my earlier thought.

I sigh. "I can't believe you." I say in disbelief and Mom just laughs.

"Anyways, how is the vacation so far?" She asks changing the subject.

'Nice save Mom.' I thought.

"Not too bad I guess." I really didn't want to tell her about what happened the other day. Knowing her, she would say it's making her 'ship sail'. But truthfully, the vacation has been pretty good. I've 'locked' myself inside the library mostly, and if Akashi ever joined me he didn't do anything. He just sat across from me and also read a book. I really don't get him sometimes.

"That doesn't sound too optimistic." Mom says dryly.

"Well the thing is I think I really should go home and ask for some overtime at work, and before you say anything, it's because of the bills are due soon. Like the electric bill and the house bill are due this week. And don't forget your medical bills that we still need to pay off." I start to stress out while listing off the bills due. I blow out a puff of air as I rake my finger through my hair.

"Don't worry sweetie, Akashi-kun told me he'd pay you for your time." Mom laughs.

'Oh so that's what he thinks of me.' My heart starts to break in two. 'Just something to buy for entertainment, huh?'

"I-I see." I slightly whisper.

"Let me guess he didn't think to tell you." Mom observes.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'. I was glad she didn't notice how affected I was by her words.

"Geez, what am I going to do with that kid?" She sighs.

'Kid? She just called Akashi-san a kid. The most mature guy in my class, no in the whole school.'

"Looks like I'll have to give him a good talking to after this." Mom states.

"Mom, you're starting to sound like you're his Mother or something." I sweat drop.

"Haha yeah. My bad." She says guiltily.

I look at the time and notice it's time for breakfast. "Mom I have to get off. Breakfast is probably done."

"Alright then, I'll get off. I'll see you in a few weeks. I love you sweetie." Mom says in a gentle voice.

"Yep, love you too. Bye" I say then hanging up after hearing her good bye.

Now what am I going to do with my summer?

Akashi's POV

"I can't believe you just gave me, your daughter, permission to do 'it'." I smirk as I overhear (Y/N) say that on the other end of the door. Yeah, I'm eavesdropping. I know I shouldn't, but hey, I'm Akashi Seijuro. I can do whatever I feel like doing.

"Well the thing is I think I really should go home and ask for some overtime at work, and before you say anything, it's because of the bills are due soon. Like the electric bill and the house bill are due this week. And don't forget your medical bill that we still need to pay off." I could hear the worry in (Y/N)'s voice. It pains me to hear it.

As the past week progressed, I found myself in the library many times with (Y/N). It wasn't for reading either. Though I did make it look like I was reading while in reality I was watching (Y/N). Yeah I may sound a little stalker-ish, but the expressions she makes while reading intrigued me. It doesn't help that I already feel a weird attraction towards her anyway.

I enjoy seeing her laugh and smile. Her face when she's embarrassed is my favorite so far. Then there's her annoyed or angry face. I have to stop myself from laughing with that one, because she's adorable. There was this one time that she was reading a really touching part in the book she was reading I guess, because she started to cry. It freaked me out for a second.

"Akashi-sama, your Father is on the phone." One of the maids says when she spotted me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "He's on line 1."

"Okay." I stroll to my room and take the phone off the receiver. I press a few buttons before answering. "What is it Father?"


A/N: Cliffhanger hehehehehe. Sorry that I haven't updated lately. I was trying to figure out how I wanted to do this chapter, so here it is. I hope I didn't make the Mom too weird or anything.

It will probably be another week or so before I update again, because I found a job and I don't know my hours yet. So I'll be updated less often. Sorry in advance! >_<

Well until next time.

Ja~ne minna-san!!

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