Chapter 10

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Reader's POV

I woke to the bright sun that made its way into 'my' room. I really didn't want to get up yet, but sadly I couldn't fall back to sleep.

I drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom. I was rubbing the sleepys' out of my eyes when I open the door. I froze and then blush bright red.

Standing there in the middle of the bathroom was Akashi in nothing but a towel tied around his hips.

"A-Akashi-san, what are y-you doing in my b-bathroom?" I ask averting my eyes to the floor.

I hear his lips curl into a smirk before he answers. "What did I not tell you that this bathroom connects our bedrooms?"

"WHAT?!" My head snaps up as I stare at the red head in shock. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" I can't believe him! How could he 'forget' to tell me something so important.

"I didn't think it was that important." He says teasingly.

"Not important! What if I had walked in before you-you-you-" you had put your towel on. I blush as I finish my statement in my head.

"Before I what (Y/N)?" He asks in a deep voice and stands in front of me. My face starts burning and I can't think straight. I have trouble finding someplace to look with the shirtless teen in front of me and all. I sneak a few peaks of his perfect abs, chest, and toned muscles. "Like what you see (Y/N)." Akashi smiles looking into my face.

"W-What are you talking about!" I yell trying to hide my embarrassment. He chuckles at me then takes a piece of my long (Hair Color) hair. He brings it up to his face and smells it.

"You smell good (Y/N)" He says in a seductive voice.

"T-Thanks I guess." I mumble as I stare wide eyed at the red head. 'W-Wait what am I doing? I need to get out of here quick.' "Um, I-I'll leave so you c-can finish what y-you're doing." I say back up.

"Aw that's too bad. We were just getting to the good part." He gives me a cocky grin and lets go of my hair.

"W-What are you talking about? A-Anyway, I'll see you at breakfast!" I rush out the bathroom and close the door. I lean against the door, trying to calm my racing heart.

'What is this feeling? Don't t-tell me I'm starting to have feelings for this guy...' My eyes widen as the realization hit me. Then just the thought made my heart start beating faster and this time....I'm unable to calm it.


After the little incident this morning in the bathroom, I try my hardest to avoid Akashi all day. So far it's a success. But I think my luck won't be hanging in there for much longer I realize. Especially when I look up from the book I was reading and see the red head closing and locking the library door. Yes, there's a library. It's located in the basement, which makes it nice and cool compared to the summer heat.

I loudly gulp.

"W-What's up Akashi-san?" I show him a fake smile.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all." He seemed irritated. I consciously look at him worried as to what he was thinking.

"If it's nothing then why did you lock the door?" I dare ask. I think these last few days with Akashi has made me more brave.

"I don't know, maybe so then you don't run away when I approach you." He say irked. I could see the nerves popping out all around his head as his annoyance gradually gets worse.

"Oh I see.....Sorry about that." I look back down to my book in thought. "But you know it's you fault" I say looking up at Akashi.

"My fault?" He scoffs.

I nod.

"How is it my fault?" He asks clearly not seeing the problem.

"Hmm I wonder?" I sarcastically ask. He raises an eyebrow at my tone. I just smile at him sweetly. "Maybe because SOMEONE DIDN'T TELL ME THAT OUR BEDROOMS WERE CONNECTED THROUGH THE BATHROOM." I say the last bit in an angry voice.

"Oh that." is all he says.

"Yeah that." I nod my head up and down.

"S-Sorry I guess I should have told you the first day we were here." He mutters covering his face from showing the blush that was showing on his face.

"Wow, Akashi Seijuro is apologizing to me for the third time since meeting him." I was somewhat shocked.

"Wait.." Akashi puts his hand over my hand that's holding my book. The contact makes my heart beat irregularly. "Say my name again." He orders.

"Akashi-san?" Why did he want me to say his name?

"No no. Not that." He says in a gentle voice. The gentleness in his voice and eyes starts to melt my heart. I could literally die happy right now, that's how amazing it was. "(Y/N) please." He looks at me anxiously. I couldn't refuse with the look he was giving.

"Sei....Sei...Seiju-juro." It felt weird coming off my lips.

"Again (Y/N)" He orders leaning closer to my face.

"Sei...Seijuro...Seijuro." I kept repeating it. My heart was beating a mile a minute at the closeness of the red head. I could smell his intoxicating cologne.

Then the unexpected happened. He goes and gives me a sweet kiss on my forehead. "Good job, (Y/N)" I stare at him wide eyed as he pulls back. I bring a hand up to touch the place he kissed.

"W-What was th-that for?" I squeak.

He smirks. "Nothing I just felt like it is all." he states before walking out the room.

My mind was shuffling through the many questions that I wanted to ask.

'Why did he do that?'

'Does he feel the same way?' My heart was pierced with a spark of hope with the thought.

'Naw that's impossible.' I come to that conclusion, before going back to my book.


A/N: There's the next Chapter for you all!

I just want to take the time and say thank you to everyone for reading and voting. For supporting my story the whole way. I never thought my story would actually get so many views, I'm so touched. Anyways THANK YOU!!!! *hugs all the readers*

This is for making it to chapter 10. Arigatou minna-san!

now until next time

Ja~ne minna-san!

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