Chapter Nine

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Blake rolled over, eyes still closed, eyelids aware of the blue disco that had started in his room and stretched out a toned, tanned arm, grabbing at thin air. His Samsung lit up was a beacon of light from its place on the mahogany bedside table. His lifted the phone up above his face at arm's length and saw her name and the picture he'd taken of her in Whistler light up the screen. He gave an audible groan and chucked it down on the bed, rolling over to scream frustrated curses into his pillow. Blake didn't want to have to deal with her right now. So much drama for such a petit person. Even the thought of her made him tired. She could wait, he'd get around to that conversation when he had a bit more energy. But for now he was in Paris, the city of love. What would have been their honeymoon choice had the wedding gone ahead. Still, mustn't let that ruin his mood, he'd spent enough time moping around and worrying what other people thought. He was here in this beautiful city it was time for a little fun.

He forced himself out of bed with mammoth effort and crossed the room to the mini bar and pulled out a small bottle of Whisky, took a swig, appreciated the instant burn at the back of his throat and dragged a sleeve across his mouth, grinning to himself as he did so. He pocketed the miniature Highland Park, in his jacket and shoved his discarded and now silent phone back into his jeans.

He went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, drying himself on a plush white towel - honestly, it was like being embraced by a cloud - before running his hands through his dark blonde hair and flashing a smile in the mirror. Chin up soldier, the smile said - the worst is behind you. He flicked the switch, leaving his suite in a shadow of the evening sun and slipped his keycard into his pocket, slamming the door behind him. This city would be home for the next six weeks, it was time to explore!

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