Chapter Twenty One

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The wedding had come around much sooner than anyone had anticipated. Although Lena had guessed that Lucille's parents wouldn't be here.  They often spent their winters in Switzerland and they still believed Lucille's life in London to be 'a crazy phase'.

This phase had lasted four years so far, since Lena first met her at Art College and it didn't look likely to weaken or take her back to their home in Suffolk where they had lived since forever. Lena knew Lucille had told them about the wedding to Rory because she'd heard her in the living room one night.

From the doorway Lena had seen her hunched over the receiver, knees pulled up to her chest in full survivor mode. Her voice was quiet - one of the very rare times she had seen Lucille look vulnerable and even now Lena wasn't sure how long Lucille thought she was standing there for or how much of the conversation her best friend had heard.

"Of course I'm being careful Maman...He is a wonderful man...I'm sure Pops will understand..."

"Yes, hard to get here. I know. It's really not that big of a deal...No, I didn't mean that...I am taking it seriously."

Lena could hear the tension building in Lucille's voice as she struggled to remain calm and not let her traditional parents sway her decision.

Both girls knew she had to do this.

As much as it hurt Lena.

As much as it scared Lucille.

It's the right thing to do and it was happening four days from now. A little late to be telling the parents. That was exactly what Lucille was counting on. She knew she'd have to tell her parents of the nuptials or she wouldn't hear the end of it. She couldn't risk it causing the tiny crack in their relationship to snowball into a complete heart-wrenching avalanche. This phone call was merely part of the procedure but it still concerned Lena to hear her friend sound so upset, disappointed even.

It was like a small part of Lucille was actually hoping they would drop whatever fondue based activity they were doing and come straight back to their only daughter in London as she was about to marry the love of her life.

Except she wasn't marrying the love of her life, was she?

She was marrying the love of Lena's life. She just didn't know it and it's not exactly the right thing to tell a blushing bride days before her wedding, as the only bridesmaid. Especially not when Lena never had any reason to think that she even had a chance.

Since Rory clapped eyes on Lucille at that house party he had barely even acknowledged Lena's existance. Barely more than you would comment on a jumper that your friend was wearing. It was always along the lines of "Oh Lena's here too," or "You didn't say Lena was coming."

A passing fact, a piece of furniture. Excess to the plot.

Stage right, never centre.

The telephone call had clearly come to an end, successful or unsuccessful depending on which way you were looking at it.

Mr and Mrs. Bennett politely decline the invitation to their daughter's wedding in Fulham registry office.

Lucille put the phone down and looked up at Lena. She came over to the sofa and plonked herself down with the two glasses of orange juice she'd brought in from their shared kitchen.

"Here you go, how'd it go?" Lena asked.

"Dreadfully. Maman's furious. She thinks I'm doing it to get back at Cousin Tess for getting married before me last August. As if I give a flying toss about Tess." Lucille's voice trembled.

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