Chapter Fourteen

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They crossed the road and were greeted by the majestic arches of the Rivoli that screamed of art deco glamour and Parisian elegance. This side of the road faced the park and housed glamourous hotels and restaurants that were nestled between tacky souvenir shops aimed to attract tourists who wanted every piece of Parisian memorabilia going. Blake stopped to take in one of the shops that was bulging with gifts, spilling out onto the walkway.

"So many magnets, so little time" he said as he turned one of the spinners. "My mom would love this stuff. Her and Pops have a magnet for every holiday they've been on."

"Do they go away a lot?" Aurélie asked, suddenly curious to hear more about Blake's family.

"They mainly stay in America, they like the East Coast and they spend the summer in the Hamptons. They went to New Orleans once but Mom said there was 'too much woo-woo going on' I guess she meant voodoo. I never really got why they chose to go there."

Aurélie grinned thinking of Lucille and how much she loved to travel. She couldn't imagine Lucille only visiting different counties at home, she always the quality of the holiday by how many air miles you had.

Blake picked out a magnet of the famous Chat Noir painting by Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen, and bought it, folding the paper bag the shopkeeper handed it him and putting it in his back-pocket.

"I'll send it home, it'll keep her happy" he smiled as a way of explanation.

"Charmer" Aurélie smiled. Her cheeks would hurt later, it felt like she'd walked around like a goon with a smile plastered on her face since she walked out of the front door this morning. Something about Blake made her feel sixteen again, all giggly and flirtatious.

An afternoon with a hottie, not a bad way to spend my time.

They reached the bookshop which had large art books on display in polished windows either side of the entrance. Strict rules were in place as unlike the haphazard bookshops in London, this bookshop had a one-way system for entering the shop. A small bell chimed as they entered the shop and Aurélie gasped as she took in the scale of the room they now stood in. She had walked past Librairie Galignani before but she hadn't had time nor a reason to come in. Oak shelves lined the walls and gave height to the room using all available space. Large tables were arranged in rows from the front till to the very back, where stairs down could just be made out. On the left and right was a singular ladder leaning against the shelves, made of polished oak that was set off by gold-plated rungs. The ladders had brass wheels that glided effortlessly as Aurélie gave the ladder on the left a gently nudge as she walked by. She could feel the heat from Blake radiating from him as he walked behind her and she sensed his absence when he paused at a table to look at a heavy, hardback photography book.

"I love books like these. Heavy and dense. It's like they've got something that's worth saying and worth your time" he explained.

"To be honest I've always felt intimidated by books like that. I think that might be why I've walked passed this goldmine before" Aurélie confessed. "My Dad always had these huge art books in his study and I was never allowed to touch them. Something about them being expensive and not for little girls' grubby paws".

"No-one's stopping you looking now" Blake mused, a hint of a challenge in his voice. "Have a look around and don't be afraid of the big books" he smiled at her.

Aurélie left Blake and followed the shelves down the back of the shop where a flight of steps dipped down and created a miniature amphitheatre where art books gave way to a small section of crime novels and poetry books. She looped around and found herself in a small side room dedicated to children's books. She picked a book she remembered from her childhood, Le Petit Prince. The Little Prince. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Blake smiling at her.

"I guess that's a big book in a way" he laughed. "I thought I'd find you looking around the interior design books."

"Mum used to read this book to me every night before bed for about two years. I adored it. I still do."

A familiar chirping came out of Aurélie's pocket as her mobile rang.

"I better take this, I'll wait outside," Aurélie said. "Sorry, bookshops and mobiles never seem to mix well."

"Hi Bex"

"Afternoon Relie, how's Paris?"

"It's good thanks. Lena is adorable as always although she's working me like an absolute horse. I've got to work with a moron who could quite possibly be the most irritating man I have ever met."

"Oooh is he like that fit French bloke from the perfume ad?"

"Which ad Bex?" Aurélie asked distractedly as she side-stepped a granny with a tartan trolley. No matter where you are in the world, you will always see an old woman with a tartan trolley knocking people over.

"You know the one where it's a press conference and the walls all fall down and he says something really fucking pretentious like 'I'm not going to be who they want me to be'"

"Ha! I know the one, and he is an absolute dish. No, Seb's more like a really obnoxious Adrian Brody. Fit from a distance but annoying in HD".

Aurélie turned to see Blake coming out of the bookshop with a bag.

"Got to dash babe, Lena's calling me, loadsa love."

"Bye." Her house-mate hung-up. She wasn't sure why she had lied to Bex.

I want to keep whatever this is, as my little secret for a little while longer.

"Everything ok?" Blake asked.

"Yeah. Just my housemate in London checking in."

"You still have a housemate in London? I thought you lived here?"

"I have and I do," Aurélie shrugged. "I wasn't sure how I'd find it living over here so I've kept my flat in Clapham."

"I hope you decide to stay in Paris a little while longer!" Blake exclaimed.

"A few weeks ago when I was elbow deep in cleaning products I was wondering if I should stay. I'm starting to think I just might."

Aurélie glanced at her watch and was horrified to see the time.

"I should head back, Lena needs help in the evenings prepping the kitchens for the morning sessions."

"No problem, I'll walk back with you, it's a diagonal line across those two bridges," Blake pointed over Aurélie's shoulder.

By the time they got back to the house the lights were starting to come on and the autumn sunshine was being diluted by inky blotches of night sky. Just like splodges of Ribena.

"Thanks for walking back with me. I had a lovely time" Aurélie turned on the doorstep to face Blake.

"Thanks for the company. It's always good to have a friend in a new city." Aurélie noticed for the first time that Blake's eyes had flecks of green near the pupil in his hazel eyes. The streetlamp across the road had just come on and the glow was picking up the golden tips of his tousled hair.

"I picked this up for you." He handed her a bag with the bookshop emblem printed on it. "See you tomorrow Aurélie" he waved as he turned to walk up the street.

"Night Blake" she called and turned to let herself into the house.

It wasn't until she was up in her attic room that she opened the bag. A beautiful edition of Le Petit Prince, she smiled to herself and placed the book carefully on her bedside table.

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