Chapter Forty

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Seb came back out of the room quickly. 

"What's wrong?" Aurélie asked him, holding two polystyrene cups of luke warm coffee, her face anxious. 

"Nothing Relie, I just think they need a minute. Let's let your Dad have a bit of time with her," he guided Aurélie over to a row of three orange plastic seats that were opposite Lena's room and they sat down, stretching their legs out and waiting for Rory. 
Further down the corridor an alarm sounded and two nurses and a doctor came racing through the double doors. Aurelie heard the word "arrêt cardiaque" and averted her gaze.

Rory felt Lena's fingertips gently flutter in his hand. He looked up sharply and pinched the bridge of his nose. She was peeking out at him from swollen eyes. 

"Rory?" she croaked. He reached across to her bedside table, pouring her a cup of water and holding it for her to sip from. She took a gulp and tentatively pushed the cup away.  She reached out a hand and grabbed his hand, pulling it up to her mouth and kissing his knuckles. 

Her words were quiet but clear.

"I have waited ten thousand nights to hear you say that." 

After what felt like eternity, Rory went to the door and ushered them both inside.

"She's awake," he said, his voice low and soothing. 

"Thank god!" Aurélie raced past him. 

Lena's usually large eyes were so small, but she moved her head when she heard them come in.

"My darling girl and Seb!" Her voice was still faint. "I'm so sorry to have scared you like this. It was so silly. All of this drama for a box of oranges!" 

The doctor from earlier came in, "Glad to see you are awake Madmoiselle Barthet." He walked over to the monitor and took some notes on his clipboard. "I just need to run a few tests to check coordination. Do you mind giving me a few minutes with her and then I promise I'll let you back in?" He ushered them out of the room. 

They stood awkwardly in the corridor feeling like the headmaster was about to cancel summer. A weird atmosphere now lay between Seb and Rory and Aurelie picked up on it immediately. 

"Everything ok guys?" Aurélie looked from her father to Seb. 

"YES!" they both looked at each other and answered a bit too quickly. Seb smiled at Rory and a secret passed between them in a glance. 

"I might step out and get some fresh air," Rory declared. 

"Okay, you sure you're alright?" Aurélie gave her dad a quick hug. "We're not going anywhere." 

Her father nodded and walked down the corridor with purpose in his stride. Seb grinned at Aurélie. 

"What?" she quizzed. "Seb, is there something you're not telling me? Did I miss something when you went into the room earlier? You were so quick to come back out again!" She was starting to look worried and that was the last thing he wanted. 

"Nothing to worry about. If I've got it right, I'm pretty sure your Dad will chat to you after he's had some fresh air. He's a cool guy." He smiled down at her but she was already staring at her feet, her hair falling forward.

He moved closer and she was aware of his scuffed converse trainers coming into view on the scuffed hospital floor. 

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