Peter Pan

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Imagine for AThousandWishes1000

Imagine that you wound up on the beach of Neverland. Shipwrecked. Alone. Dress tattered as if a thousand swords had butchered it. Sand crusted you skin and your hair was in rats tails.

"C-C-C-Captain? I've f-found something!"

"Drag her aboard, Smee! And be quicker about it than you were finding whatever it is. It may be of use to us to find Pan."

Pan, you think, I recognise the name.... Your mother's voice echo's in your brain
"Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning. Neverland, (Y/N)! If you want to find Peter Pan, all you need is faith, trust and pixie dust and you can fly and have adventure!"

You find yourself, cold, lonely and hungry on board a pirate ship. The black flag on the mast waves violently as the menacing skull and crossbones stares down at you. You inhale and your lungs are filled with salt and water and danger.

A short man stands at the wheel of the ship, with a blue and white striped top, tiny shorts and brown sandals, topped off with a red hat balanced atop his white hair.

"Smeeee!!!!" A deranged lunatic screams and the little man sprints in the direction of the voice.

"C-C-Captain?" Stutters who I think must be called Smee.

"Tie her to the anchor. Pan can't help but be the hero, foolish boy."

The small, bearded Smee runs away from the Captain and towards you. You can see the small red bobble of his hat bouncing up and down behind him.

Cool metal is clamped behind you as handcuffs snake their way around your wrists and are locked with a final clunk. You can't stand up, te weight is too much for you.

Many pirates surround you and drag you over to a small plank of wood hanging precariously over the edge of the ship.

"PETER PAN!" The Captain shouts, finally revealing himself to you for the first time.

He stands tall, as though he thinks highly of himself, a red coat draped over his arms hanging to just above the knee. A white cravat decorates his neck and a purple sash hangs itself diagonally across his body to his waist. He sports purple trousers to his knees and his calves are covered in white stockings. His deep black shoes shine and sparkle with polish and gold buckles adorn the top.

You drag your eyes up to his face where he wears a menacing grin beneath his tiny moustache, no expression hidden by his oversized, and rather ridiculous looking, red hat to match his coat.

"I have something, or someone, for you!" He says, his grin widening as his fingers find their way around your chin pulling your face towards his. You whip your head round away from his clutches disgusted.

"Let her go, Hook!" A voice echoes from the distance.

A shadow is cast upon the sails of the ship, as though a boy is flying through the air. The shadow perches on the mast like some kind of odd tropical bird as you gaze up in confusion.

A small dagger is slashed through the sail and a boy flys through, wearing a green shirt and leggings, shabby cloth brown shoes and a tiny triangular green cap with one crimson feather.

His hair is ginger and uncombed, a fringe flopping over his forehead, his chocolate eyes bright and shining with defiance.

"NEVER!" Hook screams as he shoves you off the edge of the plank, the weight of the anchor dragging you down quickly towards the open jaws of the ocean.

Strong arms encapsulate you before you hit the water, muscles straining under the weight of the anchor.

You open your eyes and look up to see the boy, flying you through the air and away from the pirate ship. A glowing light quickly pursues him with an iron key attached.

Soft jungle floor greets you as you land, the weight of the anchor now taking its toll on your saviour.

The light flies behind you and you hear the lock clunk as your wrists are freed and you are relieved of the iron clutches of the anchor.

"Peter Pan?" You say as you stumble to your feet, querying the identity of your hero.

"At your service, madam." He replies, taking his hat off and bowing before you in a flourish.

He looks up at you with a grin but then his brows furrow in confusion as though they are trying to work out who you are.

"(Y/N)?" He questions, you only nod in response.

"It IS you!" He cheers in joy and brings you into a quick embrace.

You pull apart and stare into his eyes as a smile forms on your lips.

"I knew you didn't want to grow up!" He smiles as he locks his eyes with yours, never looking away.

Soo..... Not updated in ages but I hope you enjoyed this!! This imagine was for AThousandWishes1000 and I'm so sorry that this is really late! I'm hoping to update more often, like once a month, but at the moment I have mock exams so the updates may be patchy. Thank you for reading and sorry again! :/

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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