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I woke up when my phone start ringing. I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone, seeing Sara is calling me. "Goodmorning." I said. "I'm at your house." she said and I looked at the clock. "It's only half past 7." I said. "I know but I woke up early and I was bored." she said. "Coming." I said, hanging up.

I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. I was happy not seeing my mother and opened the door. "Come in." I said. She walked in and walked up to my room. I walked after her and grabbed some clothes. I walked to my bathroom and changed myself in those clothes, walking back into my room.

I removed my old make-up and put on some new make-up. "Did you get any sleep tonight?" she asked looking at me. "Yeah, why?" " 'Cause you have bags under your eyes." she said. I looked at my eyes and sighed. "I couldn't sleep." I said, grabbing something to cover up those bags.

After I was done, I maked myself some lunch and packed my bag. We walked into the living room and saw more empty bottles laying on the ground. "You're mom drinking again?" she asked and I nodded, cleaning the ground. I cleaned the ashtray and grabbed the vacuum cleaner to clean up some ash.

"I'm done, can we go?" I asked and she nodded. I locked the door and stepped into her car, driving to school.


When we arrived, I stept out and walked into school getting those dirty looks again. I walked to my locker while Sara walked to her friends.

I opened my locker, grabbed my stuff and closed it again. When I turned around, I saw no Sara, empty halls and a boy standing infront of me. "I missed you yesterday." he said, smirking. "I have to go to class." I said, trying to walk away, but he shoved me back at my locker. "You're not going anywhere." he said. He pulled me outside the school, to the side where no one ever came. 

"Since I didn't see you yesterday, I think I need to do it now." he said, slapping me across the face. I didn't say anything, I just looked down. I pushed me to the ground, beating up my face.

When he was done, he looked at me and smirked. He spit me in the face before walking away with his friends.

I just laid there on the ground, not moving. Soon, some tears left my eyes and I managed to grab my phone and calling Sara.

"Julia, where are you?" she whispered. I began to cry. "Julia tell me where are you?" "Outside school." I tried to say. She hung up and I began to cry harder.

"Julia!" I heard someone calling my name. I wanted to yell back, but nothing came out. Soon I saw two body's walking up to me. "God, Julia, what happened?"Sara kneeled down next to me. I looked up to see the other person was Micheal staring at me with a shocking face. "Who did this?" she ask.

"J-Jase.." "Jason?" she asked and I nodded. "Micheal, can you help me?" she asked and he nodded. They helped my standing up and Sara wiped away the tears under my eyes. "Let's clean you up." she said, walking to the restroom with me.

"Micheal, you wanna stay here?" she asked but he shook his head. "I'm helping." he said, walking in with us. Micheal held me, so I wouldn't fall down and Sara grabbed some paper and cleaned my face. "What happened?" she asked. "E-Everyone was gone and I couldn't find you and suddenly he stood next to me and I tried to get away, but-but-" "Slow down." she said. "I thought you were gone 'cause I couldn't see you anymore." she said. 

"I wasn't, Jason stood infront of me and he grabbed my arm pulling me outside and then he beat me.." I said. "I'm gonna murder him." Micheal said. "No, we're not murdering anyone. Go talk to a teacher." she said but I shook my head. "They don't believe me.." I said. "What about your parents?" Micheal asked and I looked down. "Yeah, I can try.." I lied.

After they cleaned me up, we walked out of the bathroom and walked to the reception and asked if I can go home. "What do you have sweetie?" "I have a huge headache and everything hurts." I said and she nodded. "You're parents home?" she asked and I shook my head. "But you need someone at you're house, you're only seventeen.." she said. "I'll go with her." Micheal said. "Don't you have class?" "I'm eighteen, so I can go." he said. The women nodded and let us go. I hugged Sara and walked to my house with Micheal.

"You don't have to stay.." I say to him. Actually, I want him to stay. I don't want to be alone, but I don't want him to be there when my mom comes home..

"But I do wanna stay." he said and I sighed. "But you can't stay long.." I said and he nodded. 

We arrived at my house and I unlocked the door. Micheal followed me inside and closed the door. "I'm gonna change, I'll be right back." I said, walking upstairs. When I finally made it, I walked into my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I took off my clothes and watched myself in the mirror. Some bruises are already visible. I sighed, grabbed my pyjama out of my closet and put it on. I looked in the mirror again and saw my eye swelling up. I sighed and walked downstairs to see Micheal waiting for me on the couch.

"God, you're eye, let me grab something for you." he said, standing up and walking into the kitchen. "Where can I find some ice?" he asked. "In the freezer, under the refrigerator." I said.

Soon, he came back with a sack of ice and and towel. He wrapped the towel around the ice and carefully put it on my eye.

He looked at me and smile. "You okay?" he asked and I nodded, smiling back at him. "You know, now you have a beautiful blue eye." he said and I chuckled. "Sorry." he said and I laughed. "It's okay." 

"So, I wanted to ask you yesterday, but I totally forgot, but can you put you're number in my phone?"he asked, handing me his phone. I nodded and took his phone, putting my number in it and then gave it back. "Thanks." he smiled.

"Who is this?" someone bursted into the room. I looked from my mom to Micheal, then back to my mom. "Hi, I'm Micheal." "Oh you're the new friend of her. I'll guess one week and he's leaving you." she said. Micheal looked at me and frowned, but I just looked away.

"I totally understand why you would leave her, look at her." she said laughing and walked to the kitchen.

"Maybe you should go.." I said, walking Micheal to the door. "You're sure you're okay here?" he asked and I nodded. He gave me a hug before he walked away and I closed the door.

"What happened to you?" she asked as I walked in. "Nothing." "This isn't nothing, Julia." she said, sitting down with a beer.

I sighed. "Someone beat me up." I said and she laughed. "Well if they didn't do it, I would do it, just to beat some sense in that stupid head of yours." she said and I sighed, walking upstairs.

I laid down and grabbed my notebook, writing some lyrics down. I always do that when I'm upset or something.

After a while, I heard someone running upstairs and soon, my mom stood by my side. She grabbed my arm and pulled me with her. "You need to cook me dinner now." she said, pulling me downstairs. "We don't have anything." I said and she sighed, letting me go.

She grabbed some money and gave it to me. "Then go get something." she said, shoving me out of the house. 

I sighed and slowly walked to the market.



so chapter two, I hope you like it (:


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