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Once we came home, I walked straight up to my room, Micheal's room, and laid down. I heard someone knock the door, but I didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone. So when he came inside, I turned my back towards the door.

"You okay?" he asked. I shrugged. "You want to talk about it?" I shook my head. He sighed, sitting next to me. "I'm sorry." "For?" "For bringing you there, I thought we didn't saw her there, or that she didn't noticed us.." he said and I sighed. "It's not you're fault." "Yes it is, we brought you out there." he said. I just sighed and burried my head in the pillow.

He stood up. "I brought something for you. I asked Luke to buy it, so, I'll put it here and if you like it, you can keep it." he said, before leaving the room.

I turned around and saw the shopping bags. I sighed and sat up straight, looking in it. I took a note out of it, saying:

'I know you didn't want me to buy you stuff, but you need it, so here it is. PS. I'm sorry...'

I sighed, grabbing the clothes. Luke did have a great taste at clothes.. 

There were a couple of ripped jeans, normal jeans, band t-shirts and just normal t-shirts. And a new pyjama with penguins. How cute. I took my clothes off and changed myself in my pyjama and walked downstairs.

"When are we gonna tell her?"I heard Calum. "Soon, she needs to know.." I heard them talk. What if they gonna threw me out? What if they're gonna leave and leave me behind? 

"Julia?" I looked up. "How long did you been standing there?" Ashton asked. "Uh, just a couple seconds ago." I lied. I walked into the room and sat down next to Luke . "Thanks." I said to Luke. "Like the pyjama?" "Yeah, but why penguins?" I asked, his face turning red. "Luke has this little obsession about penguins." Calum said. I giggled and looked at him. "Don't laugh at me." he said. "I don't, it's cute." I said. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"So what we gonna eat?" Calum asked. I shrugged. "I'm not hungry."I said. "You need to eat tho." Calum asked and I sighed. "If I'm not hungry, I can't eat a thing." I said. "You sure you're not hungry?" he asked and I nodded.

"Let's order some Chinese." Ashton said. "Poor Chinese.." I said. He looked at me and I laughed. "What? Why would you eat a chinese?" I asked and he rolled his eyes. "Wow, Julia, really?" he asked and I laughed. "Yeah, lame, I know." 

"Why don't you just go to the Chinese?" I asked, after they tried a couple times to order it. "We would leave you behind." Micheal said so I just shrugged. "It's nice to just have some alone time." I said. "Promise you won't do anything stupid then.." he said and I nodded, hugging him. He kissed my cheek and walked out with the other boys.

I walked upstairs and sat down on the bed. What did they needed to tell me..? That they have enough of me? That after we saw my mom there, they think I'm becoming just like her and I'm crazy? What if they hate me.. Because of her..

I looked at myself and noticed some tears running down my cheek. I'm a failure. I'm not good enough. Everyone has enough of me. Sara, Micheal, Luke, Calum, Ashton, my dad, my brother, my mom.. Everyone I know. 

I looked at my arm and shook my head. Nope, not again. I haven't done it so long, so I won't do it now. Instead, I grabbed my phone and earphones, plugged it in and listened to Fall Out Boy and closed my eyes.


"Julia.." I slowly opened my eyes to see Micheal infront of me. I took the earphone out my ears and paused my music. "What wrong?" he asked. "Why?" "You're eyes are red and puffy and there are dried tears on your cheek." he said. I looked to the mirror, then back to him. "Nothing." I said, looking at my hands.

He lifted my chin, so I looked at him now. "What's wrong babe?"he asked. My heart melted when he said that. But he doesn't mean it..

"Don't call me babe when you don't mean it." I said and he frowned. "What do you mean?"  he asked and I sighed. "I heard you guys talking. You were talking about when to tell me and I need to know. I already do." I said, looking at him. "You're gonna throw me out, isn't it? You guys have enough off me so you gonna leave me like everyone did." I said, new tears leaving my eyes.

He wiped them away and shook his head. "No, why would you think that? Were not leaving you, I promised you." he said. "Then what did you guys needed to tell me?" he said and he looked at me. "Wait a minute." he said and stood up. 

He soon came back with the others. "Listen, we don't gonna throw you out." he started.

"Someone asked us to a meeting for a tour with One Direction." Ashton said. I looked at them before I burst out of laughter. "Really, stop joking." I said, but they looked at me with dead serious looks. "Wait, you mean it..?" 

"Let us explain." Luke started, sitting down next to me. "A year ago, we sorta started a band. Well, me and Calum first, then Micheal joined and we kinda needed a drummer, Micheal new Ashton, so that's how we became friends and a couple boys covering songs on yoututbe." he said.

"When we saw that we had I don't know how many likes anymore, we wanted to give us a name, so Micheal made up 5 Seconds Of Summer, we don't know why, but we agreed with that and continued covering songs and even write our own songs." Ashton said.

"So, when Luke called us into another room, we didn't want to let you know yet, because we didn't know for sure. But he got a call last night that they do know for sure and that we needed to come by next week."  Micheal finished.

I looked at them like I just saw a ghost. "So.. You guys are telling me you are getting famous?" I asked. They laughed and shook their heads. "No, they gonna deside if were good enough for going on tour with them, then we might get famous." Calum said. A huge smile appeared on my face and I hugged all boys. "I'm so proud of you." I said.

But then it hit me. If they're gonna go on tour, where do I need to go? Are they gonna forget me and move on with their lives..?

"You okay?" Micheal asked, looking at me with a worried face. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Let's celebrate this with Maccas and movies!" I said and they smiled. 

"We'll go get some, just say what you want." Luke said. We wrote down what we wanted and Luke, Calum and Ashton drove to MacDonalds.

I sat on the couch next to Micheal, staring at the wall infront of me. "Julia?" I turned my head. "What's wrong?" "Nothing.." I said. "No, there's something, I can see it." he said and I sighed.

"If you guys are going on a tour, where do I need to go? And what if you gonna forget me?" I asked and he sighed. "First, we're never gonna forget you. Second, maybe we can ask if you can come with us.." he said and I looked up. "You think you're able to do that?" "Maybe, if they say we're going on tour with them, I will explain the sittuation and then maybe you can come with us." he said, smiling at me. I smiled back at him and hugged him. "Thank you Mikey." he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on my head. "You're welcome babe." 



I'm sorry I don't update that much, I'm just so busy with school and work and stuff, I sometimes forget or I already wrote something but didn't get the chance to finish it, but here it is, hope you like itt xx

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