Chapter 24

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"Draw, charge and draw. I equip Immortal Sword Durandal and then pay 1 gauge to call Knights of the Round Table King Arthur. King Arthur and I link attack against the fighter! His effect activates! He gain the Penetrate ability once he link attacks with a Hero. I end." Score: Blair-8, Opponent-8.

"Draw, charge and draw. I pay 1 life to equip Shadowblade Midnight Strike and call Shadow Striker Absolute the Dreadfighter." The sword was a purple longsword and Absolute was wearing a coat with a mask. "I use Midnight's effect! Once per turn, I can copy another weapon's attribute! I choose Durandal's Hero attribute! I then use The Shadows will Never Die's effect! When a Shadow Striker copies, I can charge my gauge. Next is Demon Tiki Witch's effect. When a card with 'Shadow' in the name uses an effect, I gain 1 life! My spell's effect kicks in. Charge!" " She already pulled a great combo, this is going better than I thought." "Now, Absolute and I attacks the fighter! Then Demon Tiki Witch!" "I cast Shield of Achilles to reduce my damage by 2." "I end." The mist starts to grow more and Tai nodded towards the guy. He nodded back, then remove his mask. Blair was suddenly shocked. "N-n-no way?! Henry is that you?!"

"Henry, I can't believe it. Why are you here?" "The reason is power." "Power?" "Yes. Ever since you lost, I've tried to gain my own strength." He looked at his hand then cletch it into a fist. "But for some reason, I still kept losing. Time after time after time again! I train my heart out but still lost!" He started to calm down. "Then one day, a miracle came to me." He pointed to Tai. "Him." Blair recovered from her shock and try to convince him of Tai. "That's not him. That's not the real Tai!" "And how do you know!" "Because I saw him disappear." Tai sighed. "I guess it's time." "Time for what?" "For my backstory."

"I come from a different timeline." Blair seemed annoyed. "You expect me to believe that." "Hear me out! I come from the point when I fought Kronos." He seem to get her attention. "Instead of me winning and bringing out Heat Edge, I lost and he got a hold of the Guardians." "Then how are you here?" "Because your timeline's Kronos gave me his last bit of power before disappearing for good." "Wait so that means..." "I'm the one who stole Heat Edge, controlled Tyson, gave Henry power, along with his buddy." "Who's his buddy?" "Let me show you!" She got ready. "Draw, charge and draw. I call Knights of the Round Table Gawain and then I retire King Arthur and pay 2 gauge to buddycall Valkyrie Assault Cara!" When Cara came, Blair wondered where that name came from. Thought about it then, it hit her. "You're the missing Guardian!" Cara simply nodded. "Why are you helping him?" "That's because he's in pain." "Pain?" She wondered what she meet by that. "His heart is crying, so it's my job to help him. For better or for worst." Blair's face dropped. "I think I understand. Your his buddy, and you'll never abandon him." "Exactly. Like you are fighting an enemy world to get Hearty back." She never thought of that. Henry declared his effects. "Once Cara hits the field, she can destroy one monster on the opponent's side. I choose Absolute!" "Assault Wing!" A flurry of feathers attack Absolute and destroying it." "Shadows will rise again!" "Now Gawain and I will attack!" When Henry attacked her, she didn't see any life in his eyes. "Now Cara attacks!" She was a little stubborn, but she attacked. Her expression was saddening. Blair just took the attack. "I end." Score: Blair-1, Henry-3. After those attacks, Blair has a new goal in mind. "This match is about to be over. Now it's not just Hearty I have to save, it's also Henry. Don't worry Cara, I'll save them both."

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