Getting caught

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Hey guys, here's the first chapter!


I sat there upon one of my favorite branches in the entire woods looking at the moon. I suppressed a howl that was aching to come out. I watched as the moonlight spilled its silvery light over the Leaf Village. It was deathly silent as everyone in the village was sound asleep and I smiled. Now would be a perfect time for a walk.

I jumped about 50 feet off the branch and landed silently on the ground, nothing even sturred. I walked out of the woods line and started walking along one of the paths on the side of the village. Sometimes I liked to go into the village, but something felt wrong about tonight, so I just stayed along the woods line. I looked at my feet as they walked on the dirt path and smiled at the light that was being casted on them by the moon. Its just so per--

"Who are you?" I heard a melodic voice say next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts and making me stop dead in my tracks. I turned my head to the side slowly to reveal a guy about my height about two feet away from where I was standing. His blue eyes piercing into my red ones and his red hair blew slightly in the wind, adding to the tension that is now in the air. I knew who he was even though he hadn't the slightest clue who I was. His name is Gaara.

Crap! I've been caught... I have to escape... I thought to myself as Gaara narrowed his eyes at me awaiting my response, which I was not about to give. So I decided to do the thing I thought would fit best in this situation- Run.

I spun on my heel and bolted into the woods. I was running so fast everything beside me was a blur, but I didn't care, I had been discovered. I pushed myself harder as I heard footsteps coming my way. Shoot! He's following me!

I know Gaara has that gourd on his back that full of sand that he uses, so I must be careful and make sure if he uses it, I can dodge it quick enough. I started running in a zig-zag way, but didn't keep it a pattern, so he couldn't aim it.  As if on cue a bolt of sand went right past my leg. Phew.. that was close. I jumped over and dodged a few more, but he was able to manipulate the sand so it made a wall in front of me and I was not quick enough to stop before hitting it.

I fell backwards, but quickly scrambled back onto my feet. I took two steps forward when I felt Gaara grip onto my wrist with an iron grip. I tried to pull away, but I couldn't get out of his strong grip. I turned my head and glared at him as he was already glaring at me.

"Let me go!" I yelled angrily at him.

"No... who are you and what are you doing in this village?" he asked sternly. I watched as the moonlight glinted off my headband that was tied around my right bicep, showing I was a ninja in this village. I watched as his eyes flicked down to the headband too. His eyes widened a little in realization, but he went quickly back to emotionless.

"You are part of our village!?" He asked stunned, but sadly his grip did not lighten.

"Yes, Now let me go!" I yelled louder.

"Um, no." He replied.

"WHY!?" I yelled.

"Because I want to see if anyone knows who you are..." He said calmly.

"I'll answer it for you, nobody knows who I am and that I am indeed part of you're village, except the Hokage." I said trying to cool my anger. I watched as his eyes drifted a tad towards the floor and I knew he was thinking about it.

"I don't believe you, you could have killed someone to get that headband to pretend you are part of the village to get in." He had a point, but before I could say anything he was starting to drag me off outside the woods. I had a plan.

"Fine, I'll prove it to you." I said walking with him without struggle. I let him lead me outside of the woods, but as we got a little ways towards the village I put the rest of my plan into action.

"Gaara" I said getting his attention. He spun around to face me with a trace of surprise on his face by me knowing his name. His grip had lessened since the woods which is the only way this would work. As he turned to me completely I ripped my wrist from his grasp and kicked him really hard in the "private area" so he doubled over in pain. I quickly used all my speed I could gather and ran to the woods, where I knew he couldn't catch up.

My plan worked, but I have a horrible feeling things will never be the same again.


(Gaara's point of view)

Once the pain subsided I quickly stood. I looked at the woods knowing that was where she ran to. I sighed as I knew there was no way of catching up to her now. She was just to fast. I guess I will have to ask the Hokage about this tomorrow.

*The next day*

The second I had the chance I ran into the Hokage's room. I ran up to the door and knocked.

"Come In" I heard Lady Tsunade say. I opened the door and walked in. She got a puzzled look on her face.

"What's the news Gaara?" She inquired.

"I ran into a girl last night, She had black hair, red eyes, and was wearing all black pants,  sweatshirt, and shoes. She was really strong with incredible speed. She said that you would know who she is and that she was part of this village. She did have a hidden leaf headband on her right arm, but on her left arm was a Hidden Mist village that had a line going through it. Almost like the Akatsuki do, but the line goes diagonal. So I came to ask you if it was true that she is part of our village?"

"Yes she is" Lady Tsunade responded with a sly smile, "I'm surprised you found her, she's sneaky, good job Gaara."

"Thank you" I replied with a bow and left her office. I had to tell the others about her.

I have to find out who she is, I will find her again.


Hope you guy's liked it! Sorry it was short, but it was pretty much the set up of the story. The future ones will be longer.

So what do you guys think? Is it good? Should I trash it or continue it?

Thanks for reading! =D

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