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Hey guys! Here's the next chapter!



(Kiara's point of view)

I woke up and groaned, I so didn't feel like waking up. I sat up and opened my eyes, just to be blinded with the light that was leaking through the window right into my eyes. Lovely...

I closed my eyes and let them adjust. I opened them back up and to my luck it didn't hurt. I looked around and started to panic, but then I remembered I was living with Gaara now.

"Stupid Hokage..." I mumbled as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. I decided I would take a shower, but then a thought accured to me. I had no clothes here...

So for a simple conclusion I would go steal more of his clothes. I opened my door and walked to the room that I knew all to well from waking up twice after being kidnapped. I quietly walked over to the door and opened it, I assumed he was still asleep and when I opened the door I was right.

I held back an 'awww' as I looked at him. His crimson red hair was messed up from sleeping and the blankets were slightly twirled around him. He looked so cute and peaceful I decided not to wake him. I crept over to his closet and pulled out a shirt and shorts. I quietly shut the door to the closet and turned around.

My heart practically stopped as I looked at the bed and saw that Gaara was propped up on his elbow and was staring at me amused. I just stared at him like a deer in headlights. Maybe if I don't move he won't see me? I should take slow moves to the door because I don't want to take any sudden movements.

I slowly started to advance to the door, stilll looking at him. I watched him smirk,

"No matter how sneaky you think you are being, I can still see you." He said in a deep almost raspy voice from just waking up, so sexy. I shook my head internally to clear me thoughts, I would not think about that kind of thing.

"Nope, no you can't..." I replied and started to advance more towards the door. I watched him shake his head at me like I was crazy. Which is so not the case.... okay maybe a little crazy...just a little....

"Sure I can't" He said sarcastically as he watched me escape out the door and into my room.

I shut the door and went into the bathroom that was in my room. I shut that door too and stripped and got in the shower. I let the water relax me as I washed up. I stepped up and wrapped the towel around me. I realized I left the clothes on the bed.

I opened up the door and walk into my bedroom. As I was reaching for the clothes my door popped open.

"Hey Kiara I was thin---" He got cut off as he looked at me. I blushed a furious shade of red as i realized that the towel I was wearing was very, VERY short. He also started blushing.

"Hi?" I asked and his eyes snapped up to mine.

"I-uh-I-umm, never mind." He said as he escaped out the door and shut it. I tried not to laugh at the look on his face. I quickly shot into the bathroom and changed before any incidents happen again.

After I got ready I left the bathroom and went into the hallway. I sensed he was in his room so I knocked on the door lightly and said,

"I'm decent now Gaara..." With that I walked into the living room and plopped onto the couch. About a minute later he came into the living room and leaned against the wall, still looking slightly pink and not making eye contact. I laughed a little,

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