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This chapter is dedicated to Greeneyes628 because I had barely anytime to update today, but since I promised you a chapter by today, I made one. Also for thanks of telling me how much you love this story XD 

Here's the next chaper!!


(Gaara's point of view)

I couldn't fall back asleep after what Kiara told me. It was now around 9:00AM and I was just sitting in the living room, glaring at the table in deep thought.

Why does she care for me so much? Everyone hates me or fears me, but why doesn't she?

I sighed in frustration and put my face in my open hands,my blood red hair falling over he tips of my fingers. I was so lost in thought I hadn't heard someone come into the room and sit on the chair in front of me.

"You okay?" I heard Kiara's soft voice ask me. 

I lifted my face from my hands and looked at her. I let my hands fall to my lap and I let out a tired sigh as I responded with a curt,


"Don't lie to me Gaara." She said sternly. That was another thing that confused me. How does she know me so well? I knew I was never the type to show much feeling, but with her I just can't hide it.

"It's nothing really." I said to her, hoping she wouldn't press anymore on the subject.

"Alright..." She said and I could tell she wanted answers, but was letting it go like I had hoped.

"I'm going to go take a shower then... and that is not an invitation to peep." She teased.

I glared at her for bringing it up as I tried not to blush as I remember the scene. She let out a short laugh  and walked into her room, leaving me to my own thoughts again.


(Kiara's point of view)

I let the water flow down me as I thought about what could be wrong with Gaara. I hope he's not freaked out because I have nightmares. Ohh I really hope not...

After I finished washing up I got dressed, did my hair, and brushed my teeth. I quietly made my way down the hallway lost in thought. I guess getting lost in thought is contagious because it has happened more since I lived with him. I made my way over to the couch and sat a respectful distance from Gaara.

I stretched out a bit, but then got in a comfy sitting position. No matter how comfy I was, my mind was in overdrive about, well, everything. Especially about the building guilt of my nightmares.

"I'm sorry about my nightmares!" I blurted out. His head snapped in my direction and he stared wide-eyed at me like I was a mad-women who should be locked up. Yet, I wouldn't disagree with that.

"What?" He asked as though maybe he had heard me wrong.

"I said sorry about my nightmares." I said a lot more quietly, blushing from embarrassment over the fact I had yelled that out to him.

"Your sorry that you have nightmares? That doesn't even make sense." He said as though it was the most preposterous thing in the world.

"Yeah..." I said even more ashamed. Now he thinks I'm stupid...

"Why would you apologize for something you cannot control?" He asked confused.

"Well, my nightmare caused me to scream and that woke you up, and now I feel bad because you must be annoyed with me..." He stared at me for about two minutes, his face blank, but I knew his eyes showed confusion and shock. I stood up to go for a walk since I didn't really know if he was going to respond or not. 

The second I took a step, however, I felt  hand grab my wrist and pull me back onto the couch.

"I can't believe you think that you are annoying me because of something you can't help. Don't feel like that Kiara, i's not true, I don't mind at all. Its the daytime you usually annoy me anyway." He said teasing at the end. He never really jokes around, so I knew he was trying to make me feel better. I just gave him a sincere smile.

"Thank you Gaara." I said as I got up, "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in like a half hour." and I walked out the door.



(Gaara's point of view)

"Goodnight Gaara" I heard Kiara say behind me. I looked at her over my shoulder and gave a slight nod. She rolled  her eyes, but gave a small smile. I watched her jump off the roof and go back into the house. I looked back up at the stars, enjoying the peace they held.

After about an hour I jumped off the roof too and went into my room. I couldn't fall asleep again, but that was no surprise, I always had trouble sleeping. 

"Ahh!" I heard Kiara scream in the other room. I quickly shot out of bed and went into her room. 

I looked down at her and noticed she was still asleep, but she was moving around a bit and her face was contorted in fear. I started to panic, unsure of what to do about this.

I sat on the side of her bed and reachd out to touch her arm to wake her up. I hesitiated a little, but I grabbed her shoulder and shook a little.

"Kiara, wake up." And with that she woke up and let out a scream, but then covered her mouth when she saw it was only me.

"I-Im so s-sorry Ga-ara." She said shakily as a few tears rolled down her face and I noticed how badly she was shaking. I didn't know what to do, this was definitely not something they taught us in the Academy.

"Its okay..." I said trying to sooth her.

"No i-its not! St-op lying..." She said choking back tears and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down.

"I'm not lying, it perfectly okay." I said trying to reassure her that it was fine. She just gave me a disbelieving look and shook her head, but didm't say anything else. After a few seconds of silence I spoke up,

"Are you okay now?"


"Alright then." I said getting up.

"Wait!" She said causing me to come to a hault," Can you do me a favor?" She asked innocently.

"Sure." I said.

"Can you,maybe, uh.. stay in here... with me?" She asked awkwardly and I could barely see the scarletrising up on her cheeks. I internally smiled a that.

"Sure." I said and sat on the bed. I hesitantly layed down and she layed down next to me, falling asleepinstantly.

About five minutes later, she moved in her sleep and cuddled up to me causing me to not want to make any moves in fear of me causing her to wake up.

I looked down at her to see a little smile on her lips, and I couldn't help but smile too.


Hope you guys enjoyed it!!! 

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