It Brought Me to You

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This chapter is dedicated to AkaneUchiha for all the voting, commenting, liking, and everything else you do! I really appreciate it all and it means so much! Thank you :D

Here's the next chapter!



(Kiara's point of view)

I shot awake and looked around, relief swept over me as I realized I was not sleeping anymore. I never woke up for the day by a nightmare, Its usually during the night, but today was different.

It was the anniversary of when I left home.

I slowly got out of bed and grabbed some clothes to change into. I put on Gaara's shirt and a pair of my shorts because guys shirts are much better to wear than normal girl ones. I took a long shower and got changed. Everything I did was like I was in a daze, which I practically was.

Once I had gotten ready I went into the living room where Gaara was sorting through some kunai, probably getting ready for a mission. I plastered on a fake smile so he wouldn't see that somethings wrong.

"Morning Gaara." I greeted and sat across from him. He just looked at me and went back to what he was doing. I guess he was never one for exceptional greetings.

I couldn't help but stare at the ground and not moving as I thought about this very day years ago. I almost missed the fact that Gaara was now staring at me. I looked and stared at him in return.

"What's wrong?" I heard his deep voice call.

"Nothing." I said and smiled, trying my best to make me seem alright.

"Somethings wrong, I can see the pain behind you're smile." I let my smile fade as I looked down at my hands.

"You can tell me." He spoke again and I looked up and almost got startled that he got closer, I didn't even here him move. Though if I did hear him move, that wouldn't be good since hes a ninja.

"How about we talk about it when you get back?" I asked and pointed to his kunai on the wooden table.

"Okay, I have to go anyway" He said as he looked at the clock. He did some handsigns and was gone. I sighed and laid done on the couch.

After about twenty minutes my wolf started to get very anxious, so I decided to go for a run. I locked the door behind me and ran into the woods. I quickly shifted and started to run around, trying to get my mind of the horrid events that won't leave my mind.

"So, you must be the dog that killed my ninja, no?" I heard a voice say to me. I turned and saw a rouge ninja leaning against the tree. He wore a mask that hid his face and was wearing all black.

I let out a loud snarl at him. He only laughed and took a couple steps forward, I didn't even budge.

"You will pay for that mistake of killing my men." He said as he threw some kunai at me. I didn't feel like fighting in wolf worm, since I usually only do it if there are a lot of enemies or I can't take the person I'm fighting, so I shifted back into my human form.

I got into a fighting stance when I saw a whole group of rouge ninja appear around me in the trees. I cursed under my breath, this was going to be more challenging than I thought it would be. All of a sudden I felt a pressure on my back, like someone was back to back with me. I smirked knowing who it was.

"Thought I would help 'ya out here girly" I heard a voice behind me.

"Thanks, I needed it, Hidan." With that we both lept forward and started fighting.

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