Howl for Happiness

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This chapter is dedicated to blackrose1028 for commenting and supporting! Thanks so much!

Here's the next chapter!



(Gaara's point of view)

I sat back down in the circle and stared at the ground. What have I just done? I mean I kissed her, but now what does that mean?

What if she didn't want me to kiss her?

What if she hates me now?

What if everything becomes awkward now?

I shouldn't have done it. If kissing her means losing her than I wish the bottle never landed on me.

'But what if it brings us together?' A little voice in the back of my head whispered.

No, there's no way she would want me. Why should she have to deal with a monster like myself? I would be stupid to think that anyone, especially Kiara, would want someone like me...

I risked a glance up at the girl who has been flooding my mind ever since she moved in with me. She was looking at the ground as well, but she was blushing... Well at least I think she is, it's hard to tell with her hair in front of her face. I couldn't help but think that--

"Hey Gaara, you alright?" My cat-eared brother asked while looking at me with conserned eyes.

I just gave him a slight nod and looked away. I didn't miss the evil smirk toying on my sisters face across the other side of the circle.

Soon enough the party was over to every ones disappointment. I waited for Kiara outside the house door so we could walk home together.

"Don't mind him though, he's just a little slow. Give him some time, he will come around to his feelings. Bye now, hope you had fun!" I heard Temari say to Kiara as they walked this way.

"Thanks for the advice, and yeah I did, thanks for having me, it turned out to be quite fun." I could hear Kiara's smile in her voice as she spoke.

I watched her round the corner and walked over to me and smiled.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yup." Came her chirpy response.


(Kiara's point of view)

We started walking home in silence. It was a little awkward, but I also found it extremely peaceful. I was really happy and my wolf was howling for happiness. I couldn't help the smile that somehow plastered its way onto my face.

Though I also couldn't help the feeling of nerves moving its way into my heart.

What would things be like now?

Would everything be awkward?

'It was just a party game though! It probably didn't even mean anything to him!' Somehow that thought brought a horrible pain of sadness into my heart.

The last part of that sentence kept replaying over and over in my mind, the smile melted off my face and my wolf started to become less happy and more sad. I felt my ears turn down and my eyes narrowed.

'I am just not good enough for him am I? I mean who would want a wolf-eared and tailed girl-monster!? I was stupid to ever think he could like me back! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

"Are you okay?" Gaara's sweet voice broke me from my rant. I looked over at him and saw that we were already at the house, his hand on the almost opened door, just looking at my with a look of concern on his face.

I put on a little smile

"Yeah, just a little tired from all that partying." I lied. The look in his eyes showed that he knew I was lying. However, he didn't push it and we walked into the house.

Once inside, I headed to my room, grabbed some clothes, and went into the shower. I watched the water swirl down the drain as I was washing up, wishing my worries and sadness could flow away with it, never to return again.

I sighed and continued with my shower. Once done, I dryed up, got dressed, and brushed my hair and teeth. I threw my clothes into the hamper and went into my room. I layed down on the bed without even getting under the covers.

The cold night's breeze was flowing on me from the window I had opened before I layed down. A content sigh made its way out of my mouth. Well I guess this was nice...

"Word on the street is you were getting some lip action with that sand ninja you're so fond of." A voice said from my room.

I would have been extremely startled and ready to attack if I didn't know that voice. I opened one eye and looked at my silver-haired, purple-eyed best friend sitting on my windowsill. I could help but feel my face heat up at the thought. And how the heck did he find out so fast, or at all for that matter!

I sat up and faced Hidan, still on the bed. I narrowed my eyes at the stupid smirk on his face.

"Aww, admit it Kiara, you like him." He taunted.

"Not true." I mumbled unconvincingly. I heard him let out a snort of a laugh.

"Yeah right! You F****** love the kid!" He announced rather loud as he hopped off the windowsill.

"SHHH!!!!" I hissed, "He might hear you!" I growled.

"Just admit it then, or I will yell it for you..." He teased, but I knew he was all too serious.

"Fine, I may have some feelings for him..." I grumbled. He started laughing like a maniac, causing my to blush even harder.

"You are so damn cute! Go tell the bloody kid then! I know he feels the same!" He stated like it's the easiest and obvious thing to do.

"No!" I barked and hit his arm, "You don't know that and there's no way he could!" I sat down back on the bed and casted my eyes on the floor.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't he?" He stopped joking around and kneels in front of me like a protective older brother.

"I'm a monster... and who could love a monster?" My voice was barely a whisper.

"WHAT!?" I yelled, I slammed my hand over his mouth.

"SHUT UP! HE WILL HEAR YOU!"  I whisper-yelled at him. After I was sure he wouldn't yell again, I took my hand off his mouth. He let out a loud, long sigh.

"Look Kiara, you are a beautiful girl with a perfect heart and soul, not a monster. Stop thinking these horrible things about yourself. How about you you try and cheer up, and let you're heart get what it wants, okay? I have to go before Itachi and Pein-in-the- a** chew my head off. See you later."

"Thank you Hidan."

"Anytime." He ruffled my hair and disappeared. Leaving me with a smile on my face, maybe he is right...


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry its taken so long!

And I hate to inform you of this, but this story will be ending soon... I don't know when though....

But no worries, there is still some more chapters to come!

Thank you so much for everything!

(That is not my picture, I found it off google. All rights go to whoever it is and if its youre's, I'm sorry, tell me and I will take it off :) )

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