Is This The End? (Chapter 3)

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Casey's POV

I woke up to a kick.

"Sorry." I heard Carl say from his side of the couch.

"Good morning." I replied laughing a little. I had a small head ache from the champagne last night.  I only had a little, but it was strong stuff.  Lori was awake to but Rick wasn't.  I looked at the clock, it was eight in the morning. It feels nice to finally wake up and know what time it is.

"Let's go out, be quiet and don't wake him". Lori said pointing at Rick.  The halls were a maze but we found our way down to where everyone else was. There was already breakfast on the table. We were the last ones up, besides Rick. "When Rick comes down he's going to be very hungover." Lori told the others making them laugh.

"Never ever let me drink ever again."  Glenn said rubbing his head.  We all laughed again as I sat down placing food on my plate. I tried to hold back my smile as I ate. I listened to the others talk, there was a tension between Lori and Shane. Later Rick came down rubbing his eyes.

"Are you hungover? Mom said you would."  Carl said trying not to laugh. We all looked up at him as he laughed nodding.

"Well your mom is right."  He said smiling.

"Eggs, there a bit powdered but still protein."  T Dog said motioning to all the food on the table. I looked down the table to see Jenner smiling at us.

"So how's everything going Doc?" I asked and we all put our attention on him. He straightened up clearing his throat.

"Oh great." He replied with, what I could tell, a fake smile.  I noticed him looking at a counting down clock. I was going to say something about it but I chose to ignore it. Everyone continued eating, Rick sat next to Lori and in front of Shane. He gave Shane a weird look.

"Whoa Shane what happened to your neck?"  Rick asked, Lori and I both tensed up. But I knew he wouldn't say anything, Lori had me as a witness.

"I guess I did it in my sleep." He lied shrugging feeling the scratch mark.

"That's not something like you." Rick furrowed his eyebrows placing food on his plate.

"Yeah it's not like me." Shane said glancing at me and Lori. I glared at Shane and I know he saw it but he ignored it.

"If I could have everyone's attention I would like to show you something."  Doc announced.
We all gathered around a monitor.  He showed us this video of how the brain worked of being infected. Which he then told us that was his wife who was infected. I was fascinated of how it all worked. Even though I barely understood what he was saying, it's nice to know what's happening to half the population. He pulled up another slide of comparing two things.

"So this is Casey's blood compared to Carl's. I used Carl's since they're the same age.  As you see her blood is not normal, it had darker streaks.  But this was not created naturally."  He explained.

"And that means?"  I asked sitting up hoping I could get answers. Does this mean I'm purposely this way? Did someone make me this way? What if I'm not even human?

"I don't know." He said in a disappointing tone, I sighed and slouched down. I looked over at Carl and he gave me a small smile. There was a moment of silence before Dale cleated his throat.

"Not to make things worse but there's a clock over there counting down. And may I ask what happens when it hits zero?"  Dale asked, Doc was silent. I knew there was something weird about the clock. It gave me a bad feeling in my gut. I felt panic rush through me.

"What will happen?" I asked impatient. Still nothing.

"Vey," Jenner's face went blank as Rick spoke. "What happens when the clock hits zero?"  Rick asked.


"What's decontamination?"  I asked.

"That's when the generators stop."  He sighed.

"Well what will happen then?" He didn't say anything.

"Whatever it is must be bad, we have to check on them. Where are they?" Jenner gave them directions, but he knew nothing would be able to stop that clock. But still Rick, Glenn, T Dog, and Shane went to go check on it.

"What's going to happen!"  Lori asked, no words left his mouth, he was ashamed. He better be ashamed. We all waited in panic, I sat with Carl and Sophia talking to them about whatever hoping they would calm down. Rick and the others came back sweating and worried.

"There all almost empty."  Rick said.  The clock hit thirty minutes and Jenner pushed buttons and the doors closed. That's when we knew we were in trouble.

"What are you doing?"  Daryl asked gripping into his crossbow.

"I'm sorry but none of you are leaving."  Daryl set down his crossbow angrily, then he grabbed an axe and started hitting the doors.  " It's no use, they can stand rocket launchers."  He said. Shane grabbed a gun and put it to his head.

"What's going to happen?" Jackie asked with her arms wrapped around herself in fear.

"This place was made to find a cure for sicknesses.  Small pox, strands of Ebola, when these generators go out this place is going to blow."  He said.  I felt Carl take my hand, I squeezed his hand in assurance that everything would be okay, even though I don't know if it will be. I sat down on the ground with Carl beside me, Sophia joined us clutching her stuffed animal.

"Stop it stop the explosion.  You're scaring the kids.  Please stop you're scaring me!" Carol cried motioning to us, Sophia began to cry. Carl's breathing was heavy and panicked.

"I can't stop it once it starts."  He wasn't man enough to look the people he was about to kill in the eye.

"Open these doors right now."  I commanded angrily. "If you kill me, you might be killing the cure to this disease, Jenner!"

"I'm sorry. I can't, there is no cure, Casey. The only way to find the cure is to find the one who made the disease." He shut his mouth and I let go of Carl's hand to stand up.

"What?" I asked glaring at him. "Are you saying this disease is man made?" I growled.

"Yes, we discovered this when the first outbreak happened. It started in Washington, then it began to travel. It got onto planes, people brought it all the way to the UK and further."

"Then open these doors and I'll find who started this disease." I whispered so no one could hear.

"They're probably dead."

"If you don't open this door there is no way to find out. And you'd be killing the only chance we have to know if there is a cure."

And then the doors finally opened.

Third chapter!  The song is Control by Hasley.  Don't be a ghost! Vote and comment, I try to reply to as many comments as I can!

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