Goodbye my love (chapter 27)

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So in this chapter I'm probably going to have a lot of song lyrics in this so when you see (1) or a different number followed by italics that's song lyrics. And at the end I'll put the name of the songs.

Casey's POV

"What do you mean run?" Rick asked.

"Turn around." I said in fear. He slowly turned around and saw the walkers that were feet away.

"Run!" He screamed. We started to run towards the farm while walkers came from all around.

"Stop!" I yelled and they stopped.

I have literally waited months to write this chapter it's so sad yet adorable!

"What's wrong?" Rick asked.

"If we keep going they'll get us. I'm sorry." I said.

"Casey what are you doing come on." Carl said.

"No Carl, I'm sorry. I just want to say a few things. Thank you so much for letting me into your group and taking care of me. I thank you all." I said looking at Rick.

"Casey what are talking about?" Rick asked.

"And Carl, ever since I first saw you I fell in love. I've loved you since I first saw you and I'll do anything to keep you alive. Every time I feel sad (1) that's when I, I look at you. I promise after this if I survive I'll find you. But if I don't you'll see me again (2) even if it's just pretend. I love you Carl and the (3) spaces between us, keep getting deeper. And I hate. And what I'm saying is, (4) this is everything I didn't say. Just remember (5) tomorrow never dies. Carl Grimes, I love you." I said as fast as I could. I was in tears but the only pain I felt was heartbreak

"I love you too." He replied.

"Goodbye my love." I said leaning forward and taking off his hat. My lips landed in his and it last a moment but that moment felt like forever. Rick just stood there shocked. I put the hat back on Carl's head and smiled.

"Run, Rick, run away hurry."
(Sorry I had to)

Carl wouldn't let go of my hand so Rick had to lift him up over his shoulder and carry him away. He just yelled and that was the last I saw of him. I took my bandages and ripped them off. But Hershel had already stitched them up so I grabbed my knife and turned the inside of my arm so it was facing me. I took the knife a pressed it into my skin dragging it down.

Blood poured from my arm and then I cut the other arm. Blood traveled from my wound, to my hands l, and it hit the ground. The walkers all stopped and started to run for me, faster then usual. That gave Rick and Carl time to run back to the farm.

I ran to the woods opposite of the highway from a few weeks ago. I knew if they made a getaway they would go back there. I spit in my hands and spread blood and spit on the trees knowing the walkers would die from it. I kept spreading it on trees as I ran on. The walkers gained up on me feet away. They scratched and fell as they almost got me.

Third person POV

Everyone was so confused as Casey ran outside. A few minutes later they heard a gun shot and ran outside they saw the walkers coming out of the woods.

"She was right pack up now we need to go!" Lori yelled grabbing blankets, food, and weapons. Everyone panicked and grabbed things they needed. Hershel grabbed a gun and stood on the pouch shooting the walkers.

"Come on daddy we need to go." Beth said trying to pull Hershel towards a car.

"No, if this farm goes down, I go with it." He said still shooting.

Maggie and Glenn were no where to be found. So was Andrea, Daryl, and Carol. Lori pulled Beth towards the truck that T Dog was starting up. Patricia was behind them but it was to late, the walkers got to her. Beth started to scream and Lori dragged her to the truck and got her in. Then they drove away watching the farm go down.

Carol and Andrea were surrounded, they were shooting at the walkers. Daryl drove up on his motorcycle and took Carol away leaving Andrea behind. She ran into the woods and after a while fell down. And someone appeared in front of her.

Glenn and Maggie found a car. They shot and killed walkers that got in there way but they were surrounded. Maggie made Glenn keep driving running over walkers and they got away.

Rick finally put Carl down who excepted Casey was gone. They ran into the barn and shut the doors. Rick thought of a plan.

"Go up there and take this lighter when I say drop it, drop it." Rick said and Carl nodded taking the lighter and climbed the ladder to the second floor. Rick let the doors open and he ran to the ladder and climbed it. The barn filled with walkers.

"Now Carl drop it!" Rick yelled and Carl dropped the lit lighter and the barn floor covered with hay went into flames. They ran up to an opening and they saw Jimmy driving the RV under them. The RV then filled with walkers and they heard Jimmy scream. They climbed down and ran for a car. They saw Hershel still there shooting walkers.

"Hershel!" Rick yelled. He stopped shooting and stood there. They got in the car and drove for Hershel who climbed in the car. The they drove away watching the farm fall apart.

Rick's POV

We drove all night and into the morning. We finally made it to the highway. and after we got there so did the others. We all hugged and someone asked the obvious question.

"Where's Casey?" Lori asked.

"Casey, she sacrificed her life to save us, she probably saved all of us. And she wanted me to thank you all for everything." I said as Carl eyes started to water.

"How did you save us?" Hershel asked.

"She cut her arms making herself bleed and three thirds of the walkers went after her. By now she's probably..."

"Dead." Carl said.

Dun dun dun!!!! Ok ok this isn't the end there is going to be a bonus chapter. I hope you liked this chapter because this is my favorite one and mostly because of the speech Casey made and the kiss. Yeah we aren't going to ignore that priceless moment. So the many songs that were pretty much just in what Casey said.

1 When I Look at You by Miley Cyrus

2 Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift

3 Spaces by One Direction

4 This is Everything I Didn't Say by 5SOS

5 Tomorrow Never Dies by 5SOS

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