Stitches (chapter 23)

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Casey's POV

Maggie walked to us and sat down. She put her hands through her hair and sighed. I patted her on the back not really sure how to comfort her.

"Andrea is with her." She said with her head in her hands. A few minutes later I got this weird feeling and my vision went blurry. For a few seconds I saw Beth...

"Beth!" I shouted jumping up and ruining to her room. But before I got there a huge shatter came from her bathroom. Maggie and Lori were behind me. I heard crying and I tried to open the door but it was locked. I jiggled the doorknob almost breaking it. I felt my chest pounding. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"Do you have a key?" Lori asked.

"I don't know." Maggie said looking through drawers.

"Back up." I said but my voice didn't sound right, it was getting deeper. I looked into the mirror on the drawer and my eyes were red. What the hell? No no I don't have time to question this.  I kicked the door and my foot went right through it. It didn't hurt for some reason and we got the door open.

"I'm sorry." Beth said crying as she turned around holding her wrist. Blood was all over the floor and her hands. I shut my eyes and took deep breaths and I was back to normal. I looked in the shattered mirror at myself while Maggie ran to Beth.

"Go get Hershel." Lori said to me, I nodded and ran outside.

"Hershel! Hershel!" I cried running around.

"What, what is it?" He shouted back coming around the corner of the house.

"It's Beth, she cut her wrist, and it looks deep." His eyes got wide and he rushed inside with me following.

He took Beth to the table and sat her down. He had to stitch up her wrist so she wouldn't loose to much blood. Lori looked at me oddly probably wondering the same thing. What happened back there?

"Casey hold down the cut while I get some supplies." He said and I did as told. Beth sat there crying, Maggie and Lori went outside and I heard yelling.

"Everything's going to be okay." I said to her.

"No! It's not. Everyday I'm told everything's going to be ok and its not, it's never okay. I've been lied to, this world is going down and we're all going down with it." She said, and she's right.

"The reason you're sitting here right now proves you wrong. You aren't dead, you've made it this far. I know we have different points of view on okay. But the okay I'm talking about is you're alive and so are the people you love."

"I just want someone to save me." She cried looking up.

"From what, save you from what?" I held her hand averting her eyes back to me.

"Save me from the nothing I've become." I didn't know how to reply, because I feel the same way. We're just two girls lost in the apocalypse. We lost our teenage years. We lost high school and parties. We lost people. We've lost almost everything.

Hershel came back and I let go of her wrist. He stitched her up and I helped. We brought her back into her room and laid her on the bed. I put the covers over her. She had lost her sense of sadness and now seemed embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry about the door." I chuckled motioning to the giant hole in it.

"You did what you had to." He replied.

I went outside and noticed my hands were covered in blood. It was still wet and I didn't bother to clean it off. I walked near the woods and I looked down to find a white rose.

I picked it up and touched the top of it. Blood smeared all over the rose but it looked pretty.
(The picture from last chapter)

I walked back to camp and put the rose by the tent I sleep in. I looked down and saw I had blood on my shirt. I found Maggie sitting on her porch and I went up to her.

"Hey do you have any clothes that would fit me?" She nodded and motioned me to follow her inside. She opened up a box with clothes. The clothes were old, some baby and children's clothing.

"Here." She said handing me a red button up flannel.

"Thanks." I said and she nodded heading outside. I walked in the bathroom and washed my hands then I put in my shirt. I was looking around the bathroom when I found a brush.

For the next ten painful minutes I brushed through my hair making it appear a little longer and neater. I washed my face and neck then I headed back outside. I sat down on a tree thinking about everything.

I have this longing for my family. But... I don't miss them. I want to I really do. But I can't. It's as if there is nothing to miss. Their faces are faint glimpses in my head. My stupid head on my stupid body that I don't even recognize. I cant even question what happened earlier. So many things about me are... wrong. I'll just add inhumane super powers to the list. Like seriously? Am I even human? What am I if I'm not?

I saw a car heading towards the farm. I guess Rick and Shane were back. But when they got here no one saw them but me. They opened the trunk and pulled out, Randal.

Anyone else excited over The Walking Dead tonight, I know I am! I remember saying 'well I'm single so who cares about Valentine's Day when I've got my favorite thing tonight, The Walking Dead!'  The song was Save Me by Evanesents. Please comment your thoughts, this book is so close to an end and I want to hear your thoughts! Love you guys!

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